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TW: mentions of self harm, suicide, drug misusage.

To the people that know others or have done this to yourself there's always someone there to help you and give you hugs, or whatever it takes to help you. I'm always here if anyone needs someone to talk to or vent to❤️

"Hi mama!" Danny waved at Rudy's laptop. They had just FaceTimed Danny's mom and after only a couple rings she answered.

"Hey guys, again, how are y'all doing?" Samantha asked wiping her noes.

"I'm okay, Danny does need to tell you some stuff though, right bubs?" Rudy asked.

Samantha gave Danny a look full of worry, Danny just kept her head down.

"Yeah I do." She huffed finally looking up at the laptop.

Rudy patted the open space between his legs so Danny could be close to him. He rubbed small circles on her back to comfort her as best as possible.

"So, in that car it was kinda just sad, we got home, I stayed in my room, uh Austin came and took my mind off of him. Then I started having a panic attack and I... I wanted to hurt myself... and I did hurt myself. Then we all kinda just hung out." Danny explained.

"I wanna hug you so bad right now baby." Samantha sniffled.

"Mama don't cry." Danny pouted.

"So, Dave left um notes and stuff for us. He left you and Rudy a joined video actually." Samantha went red.

"Can, can we watch it?" Danny asked, Rudy started playing with her hair keeping his head low and in her back.

"Sure, let me get Henning." Samantha said walking away.

Danny nodded and turned around to look at Rudy.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Just miss him." Rudy frowned.

"I know me too, but we just gotta keep our heads up. Together." Danny said pressing her head against his.

"Together." He repeated, pressing his lips on hers gently.

"Hey guys." Henning said appearing on the other side of the screen.

"Sup bro." Rudy half smiled still sad.

"Nothing much, I have to show y'all the video 'cause nobody else can sit here and watch it and be okay after." Henning said.

"Penny said it was a letter." Danny said confused.

"Well we thought you guys got a letter but apparently its a video. The ends a lot so we don't have to watch it." Henning said sadly.

"Oh, can we watch it?" Rudy asked.

"Yeah sure gimme a sec." Henning size looking at a laptop with a serious face. He turned the laptop around to face the camera and pressed play.

Danny's dad showed up on the screen and started talking to Rudy directly. By the end of Rudy's part Rudy was in tears so Henning paused it before Danny's part. Henning left the screen and Danny muted the two of them.

Rudy let out the first sob. Danny rarely saw the boy cry. He was just so strong.

"I know." Danny said rubbing his back as he cried into her chest. They stayed like this for a few minutes until Rudy had calmed down enough for Henning to come back. Once he did he played Danny's part of the video.

"Danny... I'm so sorry baby. I just can't do this anymore. I can't stay here. It's to hard. Before you start blaming yourself for this, it's not your fault. Not one part of this is your fault. I'm sure your telling yourself I killed my dad, his death is my fault, but it's not. This is all on me." David said playing with something in his hands to distract himself.

"I'm sorry. You don't deserve this. Not after Mark. I'm sure you remember eighth grade. I know you remember all the pain he put you through sense fourth grade. I never told anyone but I want to tell you now that I operated on you. When I was done, I didn't tell your mother, or Rudy's family. But when I walked out of the operating room all I saw was this little boy crying. I walked up to him and crouched down, and he started telling me all about you. And then I knew I needed to meet you, and through your surgery I met your mom. You brought us together. But you did not break us apart." David said with a few tears rolling down his face. Danny's eyes had now glossed over.

"Like I said to Rudy, I know you guys are going to get married and have kids. Your perfect for each other anyone can see it. Teachers saw it, your friends, my friends, everyone. I just want you to be happy. So please morn me for a little while but don't dwell on it. Remember me for who I was not who I am." He said.

"Danny I love you so much, and I'm so proud of you, I just can't be here anymore. Goodbye baby, dream big and I'll be here watching. I love you." He said and went to stop the video, but didn't stop it. Henning quickly grabbed the laptop before Danny could watch more.

She wiped her tears and opened her mouth. "Henning press play." She said weakly.

"Danny, the rest is not something you want to see." Henning declined.

"Henning press play!" Danny yelled. He sat for a second and then looked up at her. Rudy was surprised by her outburst and grabbed her pulling her into a hug.

"Danny, i-its not something I want you to watch." Henning said calmly.

"I don't care what you want for me Henning, just please let me watch it. Please." Danny begged. Henning looked at Rudy for approval and Rudy nodded slowly getting the idea of what the rest of the video contained.

Henning turned around the laptop and hesitantly pressed play. David turned around thinking that he had stopped the video and opened a bag full of pills. All of Danny's pills.

She watched as he took them and eventually watched as he fell to the floor. Tears fell down her face but she didn't make a sound.

She just watched her dad, the best father figure in her life. A man she trusted with her entire self, overdose on her medication.

Danny was numb as Henning pulled the laptop away.

She took a few deep breaths and pulled herself together. Rudy didn't watch the video he just put his head in her back the entire time.

"I'm gonna go back to my room. Bye Hen, bye rudes." She smiled walking out the door leaving Rudy and Henning alone. They talked for a little while then hung up.

Rudy just took in all the information thrown at him. He cried a little bit but remembered what David said. Once Rudy was sure he was okay he went back to the girls apartment to be with Danny. But when he got there her door was closed, and everyone looked at him with sad and very fake smiles.

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