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Danny was in her trailer studying her lines for the scenes she had to film today. A knock at the door pulled her out of her papers.

"Come in." She said sweetly. JD walked in with the most nervous look on his face, Danny has ever seen on anybody before. "Hey, sit down, you don't look so good bud." She laughed.

"I actually just came here to ask you if you maybe wanted to get coffee with me?" The nervous boy asked.

"Of course, was that so hard." Danny laughed.

"No." He laughed. 

"I'm filming a scene with Austin at five, so I've got like four hours, wanna go now?" She asked.

"Yeah sure. Meet me by my car in ten." He said with a smile while opening the door.

"It's a date." She winked playfully. Of course it wasn't really a date, she was just joking but the smile that fell on his face after she said it made her think he thought otherwise.

"It's a date." He repeated walking out the door.

Danny immediately grabbed her phone and texted the girls group chat.

mad balls🐄- Madelyn

princess🥰 - Madison

monkey🐸 - Danny





mad balls🐄

calm down


group ft?

Then Danny's phone started to ring and she instantly picked up.

"Dude, dude, dude, dude!" Danny yelled once she accepted the facetime. 

"Did Rudy ask you out?" Madison said hopefully.

"What? No! JD and I are getting coffee in like ten minutes and jokingly I said it's a date which I didn't mean but he looked at me with the biggest fucking smile. What do I do!" Danny yelled.

"Well, you don't have feelings for JD right?" Madelyn asked.

"No, I'm not interested in him. I just don't want to hurt his feelings. He's so nice and sweet I don't want to loose him." Danny said quieter.

"You won't loose him. Sure he'll be distant for a few days maybe, but at least you told him it in the beginning and not in like a year or something." Madison pointed out.

"She's got a good point Danny. Just soften the blow? Then like talk to him about like whatever he's interested in or whatever he asks you." Cline said.

"You guys are the best." Danny said with a huge smile.

"We know." Cline said while flipping her hair over she shoulder.

"Wait where are you guys?" Danny asked noticing Cline was outside.

"Um, I'm in my trailer. I'm about to change into a costume." Madison said while turning around to change.

"Uh, funny story actually,"Cline laughed. "I'm outside with a very special guest."

"Maddie who are you with?" Danny urged.

"Chase. But he's not listening!" She defended.

"He is listening." Chase chimed in.

"Did you just refer to yourself third person?" Madison asked looking at her phone.

"Maybe." Chase shrugged.

"Maddie!" Danny yelled at Cline.

"In my defence you called my yelling so..."She trailed off.

"Danny, can I give you some advice?" Chase asked.

"Please." Danny sighed.

"Look, JD asked Rudy if he could ask you out, and Rudy got all weird and shit about it. I'm having a chat with him later about that actually, but if you like, I don't know where I was going with that... but anyways! Just let JD down easy. He's a really good friend and you could literally share anything with him, and he won't tell a single soul. He's probably gonna proclaim his love for you and then be happy if you say you do too. But if he's not and he's pissed, call me and I'll pick you up." Chase said.

"Thanks Chase. I gotta go guys but I'll talk to you later." Danny waved goodbye. She heard a chorus of goodbyes and she hung up.

Time for that coffee.

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