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The cast had finally arrived at set. It took them way longer than it should have to get there. First Austin had to change his shirt so they had to turn around, then he forgot to put deodorant on so they had to turn around again. After making sure he was all set, JD realized he forget to have breakfast so they all stopped at Dunkin. Bails needed her Pink Drink so then they had to go to Starbucks. 

The entire time this was happening Rudy was constantly making sure Danny was okay. Once she reassured him that she was fine, he started to reply to the comments about Danny. He shut down the people that said she was ugly and fat. They really pissed him off.

The next few weeks, or until they finished, was the cast filming heated moments with the couples. Danny still hadn't read her characters summary, therefore she didn't know she had to play her best friends love interest. Rudy was fully aware of this, and him being excited is an understatement. Today was their turn.

Danny went to her costume designer to get her costume for the scenes today. She asked the designer multiple times if what she had given her was the correct costume. The designer told her it was and that she should probably read the script and her characters description.

Danny took this advice and went to her trailer to get to work. First she put on her costume which consisted of a black lacey thong and a matching black laced bra. She then began reading over her character description. Danny nearly spit out her coffee all over her papers. She threw a bathrobe over it and ran to Rudy's trailer.

She bust through the door to see Rudy reading his script.

"You didn't tell me I was your love interest!" She screeched.

"You never asked." He defended and put his hands up.

"Yeah, but not I have to wear a fuckin' thong and practically a see through bra! And I have to be under you! Everything knows Daniela Lynch belongs on top!" She vented.

"Calm down." Rudy said and got up to put his hands on her shoulders to stop her shaking. "We can tell Jonas you aren't comfortable with doing it and her can get your stunt double to do it or something." Rudy finished.

Danny did not want a stunt double. She wanted to be under Rudy. After years of pushing down the urge to tell him how she felt, and pushing aside how she wanted to kiss him, she wanted to do this. More than anything in the world.

"It's fine. I'll do it. Can we just read over our lines together?" She asked. Rudy nodded and sat back down on his small couch. Danny followed him and sat next to him.

They started reading their script and memorizing their lines. A knock came from the door so Rudy got up and answered it.

"Bro, where have you been. I haven't seen you in hours. Jonas needs you and Danny for the scene." Chase said.

"It's been how long?" Rudy asked in shock.

"Three hours sense you and me got our costumes together. Have you seen DD?" Chase asked.

"I'm right here!" She called out. She got up and made her way to the door.

"Don't you have a dress or something? Not just a bathrobe?" Chase asked. 

"Oh yeah! How the hell did I forget that!" Danny said while laughing nervously. "Excuse me." Danny said as she squeezed past Chase and walked to her trailer to get the dress on.

It was red with white flowers on it. The dress went to her knees and she actually liked it. After patting it down and smoothing it out she went back to Rudy's trailer.

"Hey, Jonas wants me to put lipstick on you." Natalie, her makeup artist said to her. 

"Oh, okay." Danny said as she walked closer to Natalie. Natalie put on the red lipstick and thanked the girl.

"Okay, now we really gotta go." Chase said.

"Chase we can go together. We don't need your ass watching us." Danny joked.

Rudy nodded his head in agreement with Danny.

"Yeah whatever." Chase said as he walked off.

"Let's go!" Danny said as she grabbed Rudy's hand and ran over to JJ's house. 

"Nice of you two to join us!" Jonas joked. He lead the two over to the house. He had Rudy sit at the kitchen table and he told Danny to walk up to the door. She got to the beginning of the driveway. 

"And... action!" Jonas' voice boomed through the house.

Danny began walking at a very fast pace over to the door and violently knocking on it. Rudy walked over and opened it, so Danny burst through the house.

The scene they had to film was after JJ got the gun and after he put it up to Topper's head, so Delilah had to go yell at him about it.

"Where's the gun JJ!" Danny yelled.

"I- um... John B's place." Rudy responded.

"I'm throwing it in the fucking ocean! You can't pull guns on people JJ! You can get arrested! Then what will I do! I can't live without you! I can't do this without you JJ!" She yelled

"Why not princess?" Rudy asked knowing damn well what was about to come out of her mouth.

"Because I care about you, you idiot! I love you!" Danny yelled.

After Danny said that Rudy slammed him lips into hers. Their lips moved in sync, like the missing puzzle piece had finally been found. It felt right for both of them. They had both been falling for each other for way to long.

Rudy pushed Danny up against the wall as they continued to make out.

"Bedroom?" Danny asked entirely out off breath. Rudy nodded and told her to jump, which she did and he carried her to JJ's room, not breaking the kiss.

Rudy put her on the bed and got on top off her taking all of her in. Danny flipped them over so that she was on top. She ripped off Rudy's shirt and he tore her dress off of her, leaving her in a bra and a thong.

She bent down to connect their lips again. Rudy took this to his advantage and flipped them again so he was on top. He slid off his shorts and went back to Danny's lips. They continued to make out and Rudy unlatched her bra and started to slid it off just like the script said.

"Cut!" Jonas yelled and started walking towards the two. Rudy stayed on top of the girl. They both made eye contact, and both of them feeling as if they should kiss but they where on set. They wanted to kiss again.

Danny sat up and cleared her throat. She reached behind her to latch her bra again. Jonas came over and Danny grabbed the shirt Rudy was wearing to cover herself up. Rudy sat up and got in front of the girl so she wasn't embarrassed. She hid her head behind Rudy.

"That was amazing! I really felt the strong connection between the two of you. It was perfect! We where wondering if you might be willing to do it again. For a different scene of course, and if you both where comfortable enough." Jonas asked the two of them.

"We'll think about it." Rudy replied for Danny as she continued to hide her head behind Rudy.

"Great! Well, I'll let you guys get dressed." Jonas chuckled before walking away.

"For fucks sake, maybe let me get dressed before you ask a question about another sex scene." Danny joked, it made Rudy laugh. She always made Rudy laugh.

He watched as she pulled her dress back on, but then her eyes caught something. This made Rudy follow her line of vision. He followed it and saw the cast. All with the same shocked expressions.

"Fuck." They both said in unison.

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