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TW: throwing up

After Danny and Rudy where done eating and talking about one of their best friends Luke, they decided to go watch whatever their friends where watching in the living room.

Once Danny stepped out of the room she felt all eyes on her.

"Hey, come cuddle with me." Cline cooed. Next to her was Maddie so Danny happily sat in the middle of them. Once they where all situated under a blanket Austin was the first to speak up.

"What does your tattoo mean?" He questioned. Everyone looked at him with stunned expressions.

"Austin! You can't just ask that!" Drew yelled at the boy.

"It's okay Drew." Danny laughed. "It symbolizes my friend from high school. One day in junior year he decided he had enough... and he killed himself...." Danny trailed off remembering that night.

It was eleven o'clock at night when her phone lit up beside her. She picked it up to see a text from her friend Luke.


I love you Danny, I'll miss you, and I'm really sorry. 



Luke what do you mean!?!?

She called the boy multiple times and it rang until going to voice mail. She jumped up from bed and ran out of her room. 

"Daniella! Where are you going!" Her mother yelled.

"Luke's! I think he's in trouble!" Danny cried. With that she ran out the door. Luke lived fairly close to her so she sprinted all the way there. She pounded on the door only to get yelled at by his parents once the door opened.

Their words turned fuzzy, but she pushed past them, ran up the stairs, and into Luke's room. She didn't see him so she ran into his bathroom. There he was sitting on the floor with a knife in his hand.

Danny looked up at his very pail face. She fell to be knees and began crying.

"No. No. No. No. Luke? Please? Come back." She cried over the dead boys body. 

"Luke!" She screamed letting out a choked sob. His parents came into the bathroom and stood stunned looking at the scene in front of them.

Danny got up from the couch and ran to the bathroom. She shut and locked the door behind her and hung her head over the toilet. All the food she consumed that day had come out of her.

Wiping the back of her hand across her mouth she stood up. Looking at herself in the mirror, she continued thinking about her friend. She leaned over the toilet again, just to throw up more.

There was a soft knock at the door. Danny leaned against the wall as a tear escaped from her eye.

"Danny, open the door please." A voice cooed.

She carefully stood up from the floor and flushed the toilet. After she unlocked the door she washed her mouth out to get rid of the terrible taste in her mouth. The door slowly opened revealing a worried looking Austin.

"I'm sorry, I-I can't talk about it anymore. I don't wanna think about him.. laying on the floor.. all pale and cold." Her voice broke. Just as it did Austin pulled her into a hug. "I miss him." She sobbed. 

"It's okay to miss him. It's okay." Austin spoke softly.

"Let's get drunk. Let's get so drunk we can't- we can't even function." Danny pulled away from the hug and walked to the fridge almost immediately pulling out beers. "Who wants a beer!" She yelled.

Everyone cheered jumping up from the couch ready to get drunk.

As the night went on they drank, and drank, and drank. With music at full volume, dancing, and drunken words throughout the night, that brought them to the next morning. 

Rudy was the first to wake up. He was laying on the carpet on his stomach. Immediately groaning as soon as he opened his eyes. He got up of the carpet, looking around him. Danny was passed out on top of Madelyn, on the couch. Maddie was laying on the coffee table. Rudy saw  Drew laying on top of the kitchen island. He couldn't find the other guys, but he had to piss so he walked to the bathroom. 

There JD was knocked out in the bathtub with Austin next to him. Chase was curled up like a dog on the carpet which made Rudy chuckle. From the other room he heard Danny say "What the hell?" 

He got the bottle of ibuprofen out from the cabinet and took it. He handed one to Danny in silence which they both appreciated.

Once their head aches went away they began waking everyone else up offering them all ibuprofen and water. The morning was quiet until everyone felt better.

Let's just say... it was a very eventful night.

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