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After giving the cast a tour of Danny's house she climbed through the window still on facetime with them, Rudy followed her. 

"This is our spot." Danny smiled. "The last day Rudy was here we slept out here together." She continued to smile.

She showed them the tree which had their initials carved in it to her friends. They all made mental notes to talk to the pair in separate group chats later in the week.

"On to Rudy's room." Danny yelled and quickly shimmied across the tree and into his window.

"So this... woah what happened here. It looks like a bomb went off." Danny laughed. It was giving her anxiety just looking at the mess he had created.

"Let's skip my room for now, I couldn't find something earlier so I teared it apart." Rudy sighed.

"Okay onto my favorite youngest Pankow brother, Henning." Danny said while opening the door. Her eyes went wide and she immediately slammed the door shut. The camera wasn't facing Danny so everyone else saw it too. 

After a minute of shock and silence his door opened a crack revealing some of his face.

"So uhhh... I didn't think anyone was here..." He trailer off.

"Please tell me y'all weren't about to have sex. Your too young bro." Rudy complained to his little brother.

"No, we just went too far..." Henning trailer off again.

"At least use protection next time, and I don't care if you fuck her just treat her nice." Danny smiled at the boy holding back a laugh.

"Shut up!" He yelled and slammed the door.

"We are having a chat later! Henning Pankow is freaky, do not ignore it you horny animal!" Danny yelled through the door. Everyone laughed at their friend.

"No we won't!" He yelled back.

"So um, I've got shit to do, I'm to scared to keep going around their house so I'll talk to you later, bye!" Danny said cheerily and handed the phone to Rudy so he could talk to them. 

"Bye Danny take care of yourself, we love you." Austin smiled at his new best friend.

Danny crawled through the window and just sat on the board of wood getting lost in thought. Anxiety consumed her. She felt like she needed to do a million things but in reality she didn't have to do anything.

Rudy joined her out on the tree and they just sat in silence. It was nice because they could be silent for hours on end and it wouldn't be awkward at all.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Rudy asked grabbing her hand to comfort her.

"I don't know. Like I feel like I'm have to clean my room and fold my clothes, like I gotta take care of my mom and spend time with her and with my dad and make sure he's okay but how do I make sure he's okay when I don't even know if I'm okay. I feel like I gotta take a walk or clean your room, go check on Luke's parents, I gotta sit with grandpa but he's not here. Like I need to be with Luke and hug him and see him again but he's not here he's gone, and grandpa's gone like what do I do. I still need to figure out what to wear to his service and I need to read my script cause I've put that off for long enough. There's too much but I don't even have to do half of it or like any of it." Danny vented to Rudy with tears streaming down her cheeks with uneven breathes.

"Hey, come here." Rudy pulled her into a hug with her ear on his chest so she could hear his heart beat.

"Breath like me. In and out, slowly. Ready in..." They both inhaled but Danny's was much sharper. "And out..."They exhaled. They did this for few more times before Danny's breathing was back to normal.

"Now, it's nine thirty, so let's go on a walk, stop by Luke's house, come home, clean my room together then we can spend time with your parents, that's all we need to do." Rudy said giving Danny one last squeeze.

They went through her window and downstairs.

"Hey ma, we are gonna go to Luke's house. We'll be back in like less than and hour maybe?" Danny questioned herself.

"Okay, be safe and have fun. I love you baby girl." Samantha pulled her daughter into a hug.

"Love you too mom." Danny smiles hugging her mom back.

Rudy and Danny left her house walking down to Luke's place.

"Do you ever think about what would've happened if Luke didn't pass?" Danny asked.

"Sometimes. I try not to think about it." Rudy said grabbing Danny's hand to comfort her.

"I remember back in fourth grade when you where out sick and I didn't have any friends. Luke came up to me and sat with me at snack. He brought Katie with him and we laughed for ever. Then when you came back the next day I had made two new friends and we stayed in a group until Junior year..." Danny trailed off not finishing her story.

"Doesn't Katie live like in Florida now?" Rudy changed the topic.

"Yeah I think so, doesn't she play soccer for their state team?" Danny asked.

"Oh wait she does, dude we should watch one of her games some day." Rudy said with excitement.

"Did you just call me dude?" Danny laughed.

"Well what do you want me to call you? Cupcake, sugar plum, sweetheart, baby-" Rudy started.

"Stop just stop." Danny laughed. Rudy looked over at the girl and smiled. A blush rose on his cheeks, good thing it was dark out.

Arriving at the Paterson's mail box they stopped walking.

"Ready?" Rudy asked.

"Born ready." Danny tried to make and intimidating face but failed miserably. They laughed all the way to the door and rung the door bell.

Luke's parents actually liked Danny and Rudy. It was never an awkward conversation because they enjoyed the company.

The door opened to reveal Mrs. Paterson. She opened her arms for a hug, which the two best friends went in for.

"How are you two? I haven't seen you in ages!" The woman asked.

"We're pretty good, how are you guys doing?" Danny asked.

"Just fine, come in come in." She insisted.

"I heard about your grandfather, he was such a sweet man. I'm so sorry sweety." Mrs. Paterson pulled Danny into another hug.

"Oh no worries, it was his time to go." Danny smiled slightly.

"I made your family some cookies and I suppose Rudy can have a few as well." Mrs. Paterson joked.

"Yes I will." Rudy licked his lips running his hands together. The three got a good laugh out of that.

Danny glanced at the clock. "Oh it's getting late, we should probably get going. Thank you so much for the cookies I'll bring the plate back tomorrow. I'm sure they'll be gone by then."

They laughed again and said their goodbyes. The pair made their way back to Danny's house and gave her mom the cookies.

They booth took a few and ran off like little kids. They went over to Rudy's house and went up the stairs to his room.

"Okay let's eat these then clean it." Rudy suggested which Danny happily agreed to. 

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