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TW: cutting/self harm, blood, implies suicide. 

If you are harming yourself please skip this chapter. I used to and I know the consequences of it. I know what it does to the people you love. I do not want you to be getting ideas.

Again if you are harming yourself please skip this chapter.

"Danny?" Rudy knocked on the door. "Hey, bubba you gotta open the door, that's the only way I'll be able to help you."

Danny chose to ignore him. She was searching around her room for anything sharp, she needed to feel pain, she hated feeling this way.

"Do you have something sharp?" Rudy asked, concern laced in his voice.

"I'm looking for something sharp." Danny confessed rummaging through drawers.

"Hey, no. Your gonna stop looking, alright, stop looking. Come to the door, and unlock it alright. C'mon then we can do whatever you want to do, you just gotta open the door for me." Rudy tried with the girl.

"No, I need something sharp." Danny said looking through her makeup, remembering there was an eyebrow raiser in there.

"Got it." Danny said.

"Danny put it down bubba, drop it, come open the door for me. Please. We aren't gonna hurt ourselves. We aren't. Nope." Rudy said almost in tears. By now everyone else was outside her door listening with him.

"Just a little bit." Danny told Rudy, while taking the cover off of the blade.

"Where are you gonna do it?" Rudy asked pressed against the door.

"We'll see." Danny said putting the blade on the skin of her wrist.

"Danny don't do it, Danny please." Madelyn said knowingly. Chase pulled her into a side hug in attempts to comfort her.

"Bubba, open the door please. We're all here for you." Rudy said but it was to late. Danny already made the mark, a deep one that she knew wouldn't go away for a very long time.

"I'm sorry." She cried.

"Come open the door bubba, we don't need you alone anymore." Rudy said on the verge of tears. He hated knowing the girl he loved so much in a state like this.

A few minutes later after the friends begging and begging, and Danny cutting herself more, she finally opened the door.

Rudy was the first one in her room. He wrapped his arms around the girl and she loosely put her arm around him not wanting to get her blood on him.

"I'm sorry." She cried into his chest.

"I wanna say it's okay, but it's not okay to keep doing this to yourself." Rudy sighed squeezing her tightly.

"I know." She sniffled. 

After a minute or silence between the two they let go. Rudy looked down at Danny and she looked up at him.

"I wanna kiss you so bad right now, but people are watching." Rudy whispered only so Danny could hear.

She smiled up at him. Danny kissed her hand and put it on his lips.

"There you go." She smiled and ruffled his hair. Everyone laughed at the interaction.

"C'mon let's clean you up, you goose." Rudy said very flustered.

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