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"Fuck. Daddy stop. Please. Your hurting me. Stop." Danny whimpered.

Rudy ran over to her and started to try and wake her up. She wasn't waking up. Everyone kept laughing which made Rudy get really mad.

"Stop laughing! This isn't funny! She's having a nightmare about him!" Rudy yelled. Everyone instantly stopped laughing.

"Wake up! Please Danny!" Rudy yelled while shaking the girl. She wasn't waking up.

"Help me wake her up!" Rudy yelled.

Bails ran over to Danny's bed and began shoving the girl with the same amount of force you would use to move a cow.

Rudy instantly went into panic mode and without thinking pulled Danny's hair, which wake her right up. Bails moved back to the doorway where the other friends had been standing and pushed them all back to the living room.

Danny reached up and grabbed Rudy, never wanting to let go. Danny began crying unable to form words. Danny was a tough girl, but certain things and topics broke her. This was one of those topics.

"He's gone now. He won't hurt you. I'm here. I won't let him hurt you. It's okay." Rudy soothed.

"He was about to break my arm again." Danny cried.

Rudy didn't know what to say. He just pulled Danny in closer. She eventually calmed down and exited the hug. She now lay looking up at the ceiling

"Rudy?" Danny asked.

"Yeah Danny." Rudy replied.

"Why did he do it? All of it?" Danny asked.

This was a very common question she asked him. She wanted to know why. Rudy didn't have the exact answer for her. He just told her why he thought Mark did it, and that angered him.

"I don't know why he did it to be honest with you. I really don't, and I'm sorry I don't know. He was a sick man, but he won't see you ever again. You're safe now." Rudy reassured his worrying friend that he had been falling for, for years.

"Your right. I think I'm going to go back to sleep. Promise me you'll come back later." Danny said with a yawn at the end.

"I promise." Rudy said before kissing her temple. He so badly wanted to kiss her lips, but he couldn't. That's not what best friends do. He had been waiting for twenty years for Danny to be his.

He got off of his bed and walked back into the living room to be met with everyone looking at him with worried faces.

"I'm sorry, I-I think I'm just gonna go be there with her. I'll finish the story another time. Good night." Rudy said before turning back to his room and shutting the door behind him. He heard whispers from the living room but ignored it.

Rudy crawled into bed with Danny. She was completely asleep, which made him chuckle slightly. He pulled her closer to him so they could cuddle. Shortly after, he fell asleep with his arms wrapped around the girl he had been falling head over heals over for years.

hichasestokes posted

liked by madisonbaileybabe, drewstarkey and 1,473 others

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liked by madisonbaileybabe, drewstarkey and 1,473 others

hichasestokes I want to have a nightmare 😢

tagged: rudeth, danny.l

view comments

madelyncline: can you just let them sleep
>drewstarkey: he did that yesterday too😡
>austinnorth55: yeah then we couldn't eat breakfast 😡
>hichasestokes: suck it up buttercup

drewstarkey: she stole my manz
>madisonbaileybabe: drew stop yelling you'll wake them up

johnathandavissofficial: I ship it
>madisonbaileybabe: ship
>madelyncline: ship
> austinnorth55: ship
> hichasestokes: ship
> drewstarkey: ship

username7: she's not even pretty

username86: who the fuck would sleep with her? Let alone be her friend

username1: who does she think she is

username29: I don't like her, never have

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"Shit!" Mads yelled making Austin spill his orange juice on his white shirt. Drew chuckled at him and Austin didn't like that very much so he slapped the back of Drew's head. Drew rubbed his head with a pout plastered on his face.

The cast was in the boys apartment again, waiting for Rudy and Danny to wake up.

"What?" Chase asked.

"Do you not see these comments?" Bails asked.

Chase reached for his phone from his pocket and began scrolling through the comments. His eyes went wide at what people where saying about Danny.

"Fuck!" He yelled

Back in Rudy's room, Danny had just woken up to the sound of her friends swearing and yelling at Chase.

She took a minute to look at Rudy's sleeping figure. 'Man he's hot.' She thought to herself. What was she doing? She had pushed these feelings away and locked them in a box that she threw in the ocean, or at least that's what she thought she did. Her mom and her talked about how she had feelings for Rudy and they eventually came up with the idea of locking them away forever so that it didn't cause problems between the two best friends.

Again, and probably not for the last time, she pushed aside her feelings and shook Rudy awake.

"Wake up Rudes. I think our friends are here." Danny said.

Rudy slowly stirred awake to the sounds of people bickering outside his room. He sat up and opened the door leaving Danny in bed so she could rest more.

"What the hell is going on here?" Rudy asked over all the commotion his friends where causing. They all stopping and exchanged glances as if they where yelling at each other mentally.

"Check your phone." Chase said. Rudy gave him a sceptical look but did as he asked.

Rudy crept back into his room and grabbed him phone seeing tons of notifications. He quickly went to instagram and saw what Chase posted. Rudy wasn't mad by what he posted but once he finished reading his friends comments, he saw the comments directed at Danny.

"Shit man!" Rudy yelled. This made Danny get up. She practically ran to the kitchen and saw what everyone was looking at. She snatched Bails' phone and read the comments.

Danny's jaw dropped at all the things people where saying about her. They didn't even know who the hell she was but they where still leaving rude, mean, and extremely hurtful comments.

But the sad thing was... she already believed all of what was said. She had believed it for years.

She just nodded and looked at her friends, handing Bails her phone back.

"It's okay, let's get ready to go." She said with a reassuring smile.

A/n: hey besties! How are you guys doing? Mentally and physically. Don't lie. I won't judge. I've been there.

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