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A/n: Hey guys, uh this is absolute shit because I really didn't want to go down a fucking emotional hole and like not be able to get out of it. But I promise I'll get her emotions in like the next chapter. So yeah. Triggers are just funerals because I know those trigger me. Please no hate this shit was hard to write.

It was the day of the funeral and Danny had just gotten out of the shower. She didn't know how to feel. Nervous? Sad? Anxious? It was probably a mix of both.

Nervous because once he was in the ground he wasn't coming back, sad because he was actually gone, and anxious because she didn't know who would be there, although that wasn't really a big deal. 

After the whole group chat thing her and Rudy had been more distant, only adding to her anxiety. She needed her best friend. He needed his best friend. They both needed each other.

Both of them missed each other's touch. Danny missed Rudy lips on hers, and he missed her lips on his. They where both feeling needy, but today was not the right day for something like that.

Danny put on her black dress, straightened her hair, put on water proof mascara, slipped on shoes then ran downstairs and over to the Pankow's.

"Hey sweety, you look beautiful." Penny said sweetly which made Danny smile.

"Thanks Penny, you look beautiful yourself." Danny complemented back, not really wanting to take the older woman's complement.

"How are things with Rudy?" Penny asked.

"Uh, Rudy things, oh uh never better... never better." Danny said the last part quietly.

"I can tell your lying sweetheart. I know something's off with the both of you. I just want to make sure your okay." Penny said walking over and putting her hands on Danny's shoulders. The contact made Danny jump but Penny was used to her jumping by now, it was something that would never go away.

"I mean, we haven't had a real conversation in a few days but we're fine, y'know?" Danny guessed herself with her statement.

"He misses you, I can tell." Penny said softly. Danny gave a half smile.

"I actually came over here to see him." Danny sighed knowing it would be awkward.

"He's in his room. Been in there a while though." Penny laughed.

"I'll help him with his tie." Danny laughed. She hopped up the stairs and walked over to his room. Hesitantly knocking on his door a small 'who is it?' came from the other side.

"It's Danny." She responded.

The door opened to revel Rudy. He grabbed her by the waist, shut the door, then pushed her against the door.

"We can't not talk for that long, not after what happened. I missed you." Rudy said in a lower voice than usual. 

"I missed you too." Danny said. She leaned in and kissed his lips. Rudy almost instantly kissed her back, grabbing her hips gently, but firmly, pulling her in as close as possible.

They both pulled away making eye contact while doing so.

"Well that was a nice hello." Danny laughed nervously.

"Yeah." Rudy breathed out. "Shit, can you help me with this?" Rudy grabbed his tie from his bed and handed it to Danny.

"Of course I can. But you gotta learn how." She chuckled while tying the tie.

"I know, but it's hard." He pouted, looking down at her while biting his lip.

"If you don't stop looking at me I'm going to kiss you." Danny whispered still focused on the tie.

"Fine by me." Rudy said smirking. She pressed her lips onto his gently, but pulled away.

"What are we doing Rudy?" She asked.

"I don't know." He whispered. "But I do know that I really like you and I like when you kiss me." He said pushing a piece of hair behind her ear. She blushed at the feeling of his soft hands behind her ear.

She kissed him once more. "I'll be down stairs. Gotta interrogate Henning." She said running to the door, which Rudy laughed at.

"So Henning, about the other day..." Danny trailed off wiggling her eyebrows at the youngest Pankow once she was downstairs.

"Shut the actual fuck up Daniela." Henning snapped.

"Henning Pankow! Do not use such words under my roof!" Andrew bellowed. Danny's eyes went wide then she quickly excuses herself from the house.

He scared the shit out of her. One because he yelled, and two because he reminded her of Mark.

Henning came running out from the house and went over to Danny and hugged her.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He apologized.

"No it's fine." She shrugged him off.

"No no, he scared you, an-and that's not okay. He shouldn't be yelling like that." Henning rambled.

"Hen, it's fine, I'm fine." Danny laughed.

"You sure?" He asked.

"I'm fine, but about that girl-" Danny tried to say.

"I swear to God." Henning shook his head and walked back into the house.


Everyone just left the church from the service and was now on their way to the cemetery to bury Greg. Danny only cried once at the church but Rudy was there to hug her, and just being in his arms made her stop.

A few words where said at the burial then into the dirt he went.

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