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Danny was on her way to JD's car when she bumped into Rudy.

"Hey Rudy!" Danny said not stopping to talk to she wasn't late to see JD.

"Hey... Where you going in such a hurry?" Rudy asked. This made Danny turn around.

"I'm getting coffee with JD. We might be a bit but then we can hang out later. Promise." Danny said with a smile.

"L-like a date?" Rudy asked.

"No- is someone jealous?" Danny asked with a smirk glued to her face. 

"What me jealous, never. No, yeah I'm not jealous. Just uh be safe." Rudy said with a frown.

"If it makes a difference," Danny said walking up to Rudy. "I'm not into him. I like someone else." Then she kissed his cheek feeling daring. Pulling back with a smile and biting it back she jogged to the cars leaving Rudy standing there stunned.

JD and her just got seated at the coffee shop and things where going well so far.

"So DD, what's it like working with your best friend?" JD asked trying to make small talk which Danny appreciated.

"Honestly, it's really fun. We just have so much chemistry and like it's really fun to be so close with him for so long. It'll look good for the show, I know that for a fact." Danny laughed. "What did your best friend end up doing?" She asked.

"He became and car mechanic. He actually makes really good money." JD tried to joke, and it made Danny laugh. Her laugh made him laugh. It was infectious. 

He grabbed her hand and looked at her with a serious face. 'Here we go' Danny thought.

"I need to tell you something, I like you, like a lot. Ever sense I met you I've been so amazed by you. I guess what I'm wondering is it you might feel the same?" JD asked. Danny sighed knowing this could only go one of two ways.

"JD.... I don't see you like that. I had a feeling this was going to happen. I love you as a friend. Your such a great guy with so many amazing qualities that I admire about you, but I don't see you in that way and I'm really sorry. I'm just into someone else." Danny apologized.

"No, it's okay, like no bs. It's better that you told me now rather than later before I was like full on head over heals." JD let out a fake laugh.

"There's a lot of other girls out there, that I'm sure would love to date a guy like you." Danny smiled sympathetically.

There was an awkward silence for a minute or two. JD was thinking about what Danny had said, into someone else... into someone else.

"Wait! Who do you like?" The boy asked.

"What." Danny's eyes went wide.

"You said you where into someone else who is it!" JD asked excitedly.

"Just this guy." Danny pushed off the question.

"Can I get like a name?" He asked.

"Uh I don't think you'll want it." Danny said sipping her coffee.

"Stop playin'! I promise I won't tell anyone." JD spoke. He looked so true in the moment. Danny decided she would talk about him just not give a name.

"Um, I've liked him for while now. Like a really really really long time. He's tall, blonde, a really nice smile, and is surprisingly always knows I'm lying." Danny laughed. She got lost in thought about him. She did that often. Everything seemed to move slowly when when was with him.

"Earth to Danny." JD laughed.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!" Danny apologized.

"It's okay, I'd space out if I was in love with Rudy too." He said. Danny just smiled at his words,  and nodding. "I got you!" He said pointing at the girl. "You like Rudy." He said with a huge smile.

"What! No I don't! He's my best friend. That's gross. Why would you say that." Danny said making gagging noises.

"Your secrets safe with me." JD smiled.

While JD and Danny where out Chase had gotten Rudy alone in his trailer. Rudy looked like he was going to bust with excitement.

"Look Rudy, I gotta talk to you about something." Chase started watching Rudy for an okay so he could keep going. Rudy just nodded. "So, earlier Maddie was talking to Danny and she was freaking out. Like freaking the fuck out. Apparently she went to get coffee with JD or something and he thinks it's a date but she doesn't see him like that-" Chase got cut off by an overly excited Rudy.

"Dude! She kissed my cheek!" Rudy yelled shutting Chase up.

"Danny?" Chase asked.

"No! Cline did. Of course it was Danny!" Rudy yelled sarcastically.

Chase gave him a high five congratulating the boy. Yes, it was just on the cheek but what she said before doing it is what made Rudy more excited. He had hope in him. Hope that she liked him the way he liked her.

A few hours passed and by this time JD and Danny had come back. Danny was in her costume in front of Austin ready to film a scene.

"Action!" Jonas' voice boomed.

"Topper! Topper wait!" Danny yelled.

Austin turned around to look at the girl. He was supposed to yell at her then she had to break down.

"What Delilah!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry okay! But it's not my fault I didn't think JJ would hold a gun to your head!" She yelled frantically.

"Y'know, you used to hang out with us, you where one of us. A kook. You had everything laid out for you. College, friends, hell your dad even knew who you where going to marry so you could continue living like us. But look at you now Delilah! Your a pogue! Hang around with dirt, get treated like dirt!" Austin yelled.

"You don't understand half of is Topper! I'm a pogue because they actually like having me around unlike you guys! Nobody accepted me-" Danny yelled.

"And- and you think those fucking pogues do!" Austin looks her dead in the eyes.

"Yes!" Danny screamed at him, tears brimming her eyes, just like the script said. "You don't understand my home life! Or my academic abilities! I'm not going anywhere Topper! I like the pogues because some of them relate to me! JJ's dad beats him, my dad beats me!-" Danny yelled.

Wait. He-he beats you? Austin asks.

"Yes!" She said then the tears came out. Austin pulled her into him like the script said. But her tears where real.

"I'm sorry for what I said. If you need something I'm always here for you." Austin spoke kindly.

Then the cameras went off and everyone clapped. Danny quickly pulled herself together and Austin didn't let go of her till she did.

"You both did such a great job! Your done for the day." Jonas said. When Austin let go of Danny Jonas walked over to her and patted her on the back.

"Good job kiddo." He said.

"Thanks Jonas!" She smiled. Walking over to Rudy she was engulfed in a hug.

Then her phone started ringing. It was her mom.

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