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It was two days later, Rudy and Danny had been in Alaska sense they found out about her grandfather's death. It wasn't easy for either of them.

Danny stopped taking her meds and spent most every day in her grandfather's room curled up in his bed sheets. Rudy checked on her every hour and so did her mom.

As much as they tried convince her that she'd feel better once she took her meds, she wouldn't budge.

But all the way back in South Carolina JD was in the shower looking for music to listen to. He looked up all his friends on Spotify finding nothing but their playlists that he didn't like. Now he was on his last person, Danny.

As soon as he typed in Danny on the search bar a list loaded and immediately suggested Danny Lynch, but it wasn't a regular profile, it was an artist's profile.

Getting excited he pressed it immediately finding an album she wrote, it was only eight songs but still an album. He blasted it the rest of his shower and walked out of the bathroom singing it.

"Dude, what are you singing." Austin laughed at him.

"Danny's music!" JD yelled. "She writes songs, like she has an album!" 

"What!" Austin yelled.

They both finished listening to the album when the rest of the cast opened the door to their apartment.

"What the hell are you both smiling at?" Drew laughed at the boys.

"Danny fucking sings!" Austin deadpanned.

"Like she has and album!" JD clarified.

"No way." Madelyn said not believing it.

"No listen!" Austin insisted.

JD played Teenage Mind and everyone started freaking out. She was so talented.

"I'm calling Danny." Bailey insisted. Everyone agreed with her. She FaceTimed her getting no answer. But then she FaceTimed Rudy and he instantly answered.


In Alaska Rudy's phone rang from beside him on Greg's bed with Danny sleeping on his lap. He grabbed it seeing it was Bailey and answered it quickly.

"Hey." He whispered.

"Hi. Why are you whispering?" She whispered back.

"Cause Danny's sleeping on top of my legs and I don't want to wake her. Anyways what's up?" He asked in a low and quiet voice.

JD grabbed the phone from her hold and opened his mouth to talk before someone yelled at him to be quiet, which Rudy chuckled at quietly.

"Danny can fucking sing!" He whisper yelled.

"Yeah- wait how did you find out?" Rudy quizzed.

"Long story short I was bored in the shower and looked everyone up on Spotify." JD smiled.

"Her music is so good!" Austin yelled from somewhere. This made Danny stir awake.

"Hey sleepy head." Rudy whispered which everyone on the phone had the same reaction. Tons on awes came from his phone.

"How long was I out for?" She asked in a sleepy voice looking up at him.

"Uh about an hour." He guessed.

"You could've woken me up." She said feeling bad.

"No it's okay. I didn't know how well you've been sleeping so I just let you be." Rudy smiled at the girl.

"Thanks." She smiled. "Who are you talking to?" She asked.

"Uh the cast..." He trailed off.

"Like the Maddie's." She beamed. He nodded and she snatched the phone from him. 

"Hi." She smiled. The phone was passed to both Maddie's.

"How yo doin baby girl?" Cline said with a deep voice trying to sound like a man. It made Danny explode with laughter. Probably the first time she's smiled in two days.

"No seriously, how are you?" Bailey asked still laughing at Cline.

"I'm okay." She looked away at a wall.

"What have you both been doing?" Cline asked trying to change the topic.

"Uh I've laid in bed for two days straight." Danny said.

"Nothing much." Rudy answered. "I have an idea." He said.

"What?" Everyone asked.

"How about you go take your meds, then you can talk to Maddie more?" He proposed.

"Do I have to?" Danny whined.

"Do you wanna talk to Maddie?" He asked.

With that she ran downstairs leaving Rudy upstairs on the phone.

"She's not taking them?" Chase asked with a sad face. 

"Hasn't sense South Carolina." Rudy shrugged. "But we've tried every day."

He got up and went down stairs with his phone in hand. Danny was by the sink getting water. She popped one in her mouth and the then other. Her mom pulled her into a hug happy  after she took her meds.

Rudy smiled. "Simp." Drew chimed in. Rudy eyes widened, but brushed it off.

"Okay gimme." Danny said making grabby hands at Rudy's phone. He gave it to her which made her smile.

"Okay house tour, then Rudy's house. Penny won't mind, she loves me more than Rudy" Danny said with a bright smile looking at all her friends.

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