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A/n: hey y'all so this is really really short but it's okay. The next chapter I'm gonna get more into her home life when she was younger so buckle up bitches. Also I hate this chapter it's making me cringe so hard.

"Annnnd. We are live." Danny smiled at her phone that was resting on the microwave.

"Im just gonna wait a few minutes..." She trailed off. She went over to the fridge and grabbed celery out of it.

"I'm literally not allowed to go to work and I can't sit still so we shall have a nice family chat while I cut this shit." Danny said mainly to herself but more to her phone.

"I'ma start. I haven't really said anything lately on my music career but I do have a song written and one other. I think it's gonna just all come out together." She said focused on washing her vegetable.

"And Netflix also realized the project I am working on with my wonderful co-stars so that is really exciting. I can't really say much about it but I can try. Can y'all just ask me questions about whatever?" She laughed. 

"Oh hi Chase." She waved at her phone once she saw he joined. 

"I like this question. What is your favorite line in the show? I have a few favorite lines but I think my favorite without giving too much up about the plot is 'Damn, your old man had abs!' and then Chase yells at me." Danny laughed. It wasn't all the funny but it was still funny to her.

"What's your favorite song right now? People always ask me this and I can never really figure it out. I want to say 'Body' by Jordan Suaste or 'Sara' by We Three. There honestly the most different songs but they are pretty. Alexa play 'Body' by Jordan Suaste!" Danny yelled grabbing her phone from the microwave and positioning it in the living room.

"I made a dance to this earlier because I was really bored." Danny said as the song started and she started dancing. She danced sense she was little and never stopped until highschool stopped. Once the song was over and she stopped dancing she grabbed her phone and laid down on the couch.

"What's up with your arms?" Danny read the comments.

"My arms. Oh! I'm so stupid sometimes. Uh it's kinda about the past and like my grandpa and not biological dad but the guy my mom remarried." She explained probably going too far.

"Fuck it. I'm just going to explain everything." Danny huffed getting ready to explain her long and traumatic childhood.


 Rudy was watching over Chase's shoulder. She was about to explain her childhood. Rudy grabbed Chase's phone and started running. Chase ran after him. Rudy quickly left the live.

For some reason he didn't want anyone to know.

"Rudy why didn't you tell anyone?" Mads said coming around the corner.

"What?" He asked. There was so many things he didn't tell them about what happened.

"Her dad." Mads said. Pretty much the entire cast watched the live. They all knew a little bit about it but and Rudy didn't like that.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Maddie asked with tears in her eyes.

"I don't know. I just thought that if I didn't say anything about it, it would all just go away. But now you all know. I just want to protect her. That's what my job is. To protect Danny, I just feel like I'm failing." Rudy said sinking down to the ground.

Everyone went and sat with him. They attempted to try and make him feel better but he wouldn't budge.

"Rudy, you have done so much for that girl. You did not fail her. Imagine all the other bad things that could've happened to her. You saved her from lots of the world's bad." Chase told the boy while patting him on the back.

"Yeah, she absolutely adores you. I know it's easier said then done but you gotta loosen up a bit on yourself. It's not good when you out that much pressure on yourself." Bailey said adding into what Chase said.

"She does not adore me." Rudy chuckled while everyone just looked at him like he was dumb. 

"How stupid are you?" Drew asked scrunching his face up.

"Have you seen the way she looks at you? All she does is talk about you. The things you guys did together. All your conversations, how she feels about you. Rudy she couldn't ask for anyone else better than you. Your it!" Mads said liking him in the eye as he just smiled.

He stood up still smiling and walked away slowly shaking his head. He was in love with that girl.

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