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 TW: eating disorders

This is honestly probably my favorite chapter so far, I hope y'all like it as much as I do<3

More than half of filming was over. They finished filming all of the scenes on land, but they still had to do boat and water scenes. Danny was especially excited about those.

Over the last two months her and Rudy had been on five more dates, and they hung out a lot together, just the two of them. They spent hours making memories together.

But today was going to be very exciting for the entire cast. They had all been looking forward to doing water scenes for months. 

"Hey sea monkey." Rudy said, crawling on top of Danny. It was more of a seductive crawl, but at the same time not in that way at all. It was just to be funny.

They both slept in his bed last night. Danny liked his bed better than her own. However she didn't like when Chase would pick on them when they walked out of Rudy's room together.

"Rudy!" Danny laughed at the boy who was looking at her with hungry eyes. She swatted him away and jumped out of his bed before he could protest.

She walked out of Rudy's room to be met with Chase, who looks ready to tease the two, not them.

"Chase! Keep your crusty mouth shut!" Danny said walking out of their apartment and to hers.


"Everyone in their places?" Jonas called out, making everyone nod their heads. 

The scene they had begun filming now was after John B and JJ picked up all the pogues after Agatha. They were now all on the boat.

Danny watched as the rest of the cast recited their lines perfectly, once they stopped Rudy climbed to the front of the boat doing JJ's party trick.

The short girl had to get up and try to stop him.

"Ugh, you got beer on my sweatshirt." She groaned getting into her character.

"Why are you even wearing it?" Madison laughed also in character, while she also got fake beer all over her.

Just then the boat made a sudden stop, flinging Rudy and Danny off into different directions.

Rudy then came up from the water laughing really hard. Danny came up next to him, slapping his shoulder.

"You messed up douchebag." She laughed with him.

"But you fell on top of me and I grabbed your boob and-" Rudy choked out, dying with laughter.

"Shut it down." Danny said in a serious voice, but obviously joking. Everyone began laughing at the pair's reaction to the mistake.

"In all seriousness, I think we can do it when the both of you come back up." Jonas said, still laughing slightly.

The cast got back into position, or on the floor of the boat and underwater.

They had to retake the scene a few more times because everyone couldn't stop laughing. Jonas said that the scene was finally perfect and that Chase, Madison, and JD could go home because they had finished for the day.

"Okay so you two, I know this isn't really in the script and I only wrote a little thing about it. I just wanted you both to kind of improve a little bit." Jonas said, using his hands to talk. He was definitely a hand talker.

"What do you mean by that?" Danny asked with a curious face. Rudy seemed to be thankful she asked more about what they had to do.

"Delilah has an eating disorder, you both know that. I just thought I should address it more. I thought she should get more character development because it only touches on that subject. I'll let the both of you do a trailer and work on it for a little bit but then I want to see what you came up with. It can be anger, sadness, happiness, whatever as long as it talks about her eating disorder." Jonas explained further for the two.

They seemed to understand it more so he sent them off to the trailers.

"This is exciting!" Danny said very excitedly. Rudy chuckled at the girl as they started working together.

They came up with something just as amazing as Jonas was hoping for. He trusted the two of them to do it, and do it right. He liked the bond they had with each other, they were almost exactly the definition of rolling with the punches.


"Are you both ready?" Jonas asked them, very eager to see what they came up with. However Jonas did what they did on the boat. What they came up with fit perfectly with the boat.

They started filming so Rudy grabbed Danny's hand leading her into the boat. They both just smiled at each other. It was getting darker out but it would still be very hot. Danny had to wear a sweatshirt and sweatpants for their scene.

"Aren't you hot in all that get-up?" Rudy sassed as he pretended to be JJ. Danny laughed, also I'm a character.

"I'm fine Jay." She smiled at him.

"Whatever, so I brought some sandwiches. It was the best bread John B had so hopefully he wasn't saving it for anything special." Rudy laughed, giving Danny her sandwich.

They continued to talk as Danny just watched as Rudy ate his sandwich just as they had planned.

"Eat up, buttercup." Rudy patted her leg.

"I already ate, goose ball." She laughed nervously.

"Okay. I call bull shit. I haven't seen you actually eat in weeks. Don't try and deny it, we've been together for weeks Delilah. You need to eat." Rudy stressed.

"I'm just not hungry-" She started but was cut off.

"You know what can happen right? If you stop eating you can't have kids. You know that?" Rudy questioned the girl getting in her face. He was trying to be passionate about her eating, trying to get her to eat.

"Where did you learn that?" Danny said in fake tears.

"It doesn't matter, okay? You just need to eat. That's why you wear these sweatshirts too, isn't it?" Rudy asked and Danny just nodded. He opened his arms for a hug which she gladly accepted.

"Promise me you'll try and eat?" Rudy asked as JJ.

"I promise." Danny sniffled into his neck.

They stood there in each other's embrace for a little while and turned to the crew.

"Something like that?" Danny laughed, whipping her tears that became real. Everyone stood stoned and Jonas started clapping making everyone else clap. He walked over to the two and congratulated them.

He knew they could do it. He felt it too, they were such good actors they could pull something like that off so quickly and it went perfectly.

"Just keep that promise kid." Jonas said, hugging Danny.

"I promise." She smiled into the hug.

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