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"Danny's phone started to ring. It was Bailey.

"Hey Bailey, what's up?" Danny asked knowing she was probably calling about the live. She knew she shared too much information.

"Why didn't you tell us about him?" Bailey asked Danny with a very worried face.

"I mean, I just didn't, I don't know. I was scared." Danny sighed into her phone. "Look, I didn't give the full story. I will tell everyone later okay?" She asked Bailey.

"You don't have to. We will understand. I don't think Rudy wanted people to know." Bailey laughed slightly. She didn't want Danny to think she was laughing about her dad.

"I can only imagine what that boy did." Danny laughed as she was laying on her bed.

"He took Chase's phone away and it was just so funny. Aren't you two going on that date soon?" She teased Danny.

"Goodbye Madison." Danny laughed while hanging up.


Everyone was gathered in Rudy and Chases apartment waiting for Danny to tell them about her dad. She knew once she started that she would not stop until every detail was out. 

They were all willing to be patient with her. She was nervous about what they would think. It's hard talking about it. Danny knew if she kept her head down and just got it all out it would be much easier.

"I-it started in fourth grade. Um I had tons of friends and then I started getting small bruises then bigger ones and bigger and bigger. My friends thought that meant I played rough with Rudy. It was my dad. He uh, he hurt me. When he was drunk and when my mom wasn't home. I had one friend that was a girl by the end of fourth grade. She stayed with me until we graduated high school." Danny spoke. Everyone was looking at her as she found the floor patterns interesting.

"I was on all the boys soccer teams so people also thought they were rough with me. Then in eighth grade, he was really fucking drunk. Beat the shit out of me, somehow found a damn hammer and hit my arm in the same place over and over. By that point it was broken and there was blood... everywhere. He left that night. All I remember was crawling over to Rudy's then I woke up in the hospital." She continued. There were tears going down her cheeks but you couldn't tell unless you were directly in front of her.

Rudy had a side to the last part of the story. Danny saying that made it all come rushing back to him. The only person he ever told about what went through his head on that day was his mom. He thought Danny wouldn't take it very well, and he really trusted his mom. 

"Um, that was the end of him hurting me at least every week. Then in high school my mom got remarried. I was scared of the guy but that's just because I was scared of every guy. Every male teacher, guy on the street, everyone scared me. Girls in highschool didn't like me either, I never understood why until one of them texted me a year ago and basically told me they all thought I was a slut and that I has sex everyday with a different guy. It's kinda funny actually" Danny said laughing slightly.

"Thanks for watching Disney Channel." Danny said looking up and dropping her phone like it was a microphone.

"Let's move on from the sad shit and drink!" Danny yelled after a long silence.

Rudy held her hand the entire time.


A few hours later everyone had lots of alcohol in their systems. There was music playing and everyone was dancing. A slower song came on and Chase and Mads started slow dancing, everyone placed bets on them becoming a couple. 

JD bowed in front of Bailey and took her hand in a goofy way. Austin and Drew just looked at each other and nodded. They ran to the other person and 'passionately' started slow dancing. Rudy grabbed Danny's hand and started dancing with her.

At that moment everything seemed to go away. All of Danny and Rudy's problems disappeared and it was just them. Their eyes locked. Arms tangled. Body's flowing. It was beautiful. It was perfect.

They both seemed sober. The toughness of the other, eye contact, and the unsaid love that had for the other couldn't be broken. In that moment everything was still and perfect.

"Oh my god. Austin you are disgusting." Chase gagged, breaking both Danny and Rudy out of their trance. Then they smelled it.

"Open a window." Danny gagged, falling to the floor dramatically.

"Sorry y'all. Drewbie makes me nervous." Austin said, scratching the back of his neck.

"You need professional help man." JD patted his back while plugging his nose.


After Austin and his... disturbing smells, everyone decided to go back to their apartments. Austin's... thing also sobered people up because they knew they had work in the morning so they drank lots of water, they also did this to hope to forget about the smell.

Everyone but Danny left. She was sleeping with Rudy tonight. 

They were both in his bed not able to sleep.

"Do you still want to go on that date tomorrow?" She asked hopefully.

"Of course we are. It's all planned out in my head." Rudy smiled down at her.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked the girl. She just pressed her lips on his.

"Does that answer your question?" She asked.

"Maybe." Rudy smiled down at her as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Goodnight D." He said softly

"Goodnight Rudes." She said now half asleep and comfortable in his arms.

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