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Once Rudy's room was successfully cleaned and in order again the pair flopped down onto his bed.

"We should listen to music." Danny suggested.

"Oh shit. That's a good idea, your music?" He asked.

"Hell yeah." Danny said getting up and grabbing his speaker and connecting it to her phone. She put her favorite song of the day on, Favorite T-shirt by Jake Scott. She grabbed Rudy's hand and started dancing with him.

The song slowly came to an end and there they where, tangled up in each other's arms. Then the next song came, Bridge Back to Your Heart by The Beach. They totally tuned out the song just gazing into each other's eyes. Getting lost in the others eyes, like a swimming pool of color.

They could see what they wanted to be their future, walking down the aisle, walks on the beach, playing with their kids, something they've both fantasized a countless amount of times.

Rudy started learning in and Danny met him half way. Both their lips moved in sync. It was soft and passionate, not rough, but full of care and appreciation for the other person.

Danny's hands found their way to the back of his neck playing with the hairs, while Rudy's arms wrapped around her waist pulling her closer.

Both if their feet shuffled over to his bed not breaking the kiss. She was on top of him and his hands where up the back of her shirt rubbing her soft skin.

A wave of realization came over Danny and she slowly pulled away from Rudy, just staring into his eyes. She got up off his bed continuing to make eye contact

"Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking there, just so many emotions you know? With-with my grandpa and everything. I-I just-"She began to ramble

"No, no. Danny it's fine I get it."Rudy said getting uncomfortable.

"But, I don't regret it." Danny said shyly while looking at her feet which suddenly became very interesting. "And, I liked it... a lot." She admitted to her childhood best friend and crush.

"I liked it too." Rudy said a blush rising on his cheeks. This made Danny's gaze snap back up to him.

"Look, D, I've literally been in love with you sense like first grade, I just never wanted to say anything cause Alec said it'd ruin our friend ship and I didn't want that. Look what I'm trying to say is I like you a lot Danny." Rudy rambled getting to his feet.

Danny walked over and pressed her lips back onto his for a few seconds and pulling away.

"You should've told me that in first grade then you dumby, 'cause I'm like you too." Danny smiled shyly looking at Rudy.

They just smile at each other for a few minutes before Danny broke the silence.

"Let's just see where whatever this is, takes us?" Danny asked motioning between the two 'friends'.

"Yeah." Rudy smiled at the girl then looked down to hide it.

"Well uh.. I should get going. I gotta spend time with my family and shit. See ya." Danny said showing her hands into her pockets and turning around.

"What? No goodbye kiss?" Rudy pouts. Danny smiled and turned around pressing her lips onto his and walking out the door leaving Rudy there questioning the last ten minutes.

Danny walked down the Pankow's stairs then Penny stopped her.

"What are you doing down here all alone?" She asked with her hands on her hips. She must've been baking because she had oven mitts and and apron on.

"Just goin' home."She smiled.

"Hmm. I'm watching you two." Penny said then turned away to keep baking.

"What do you mean?" Danny pushed while walking over and sitting on a stool.

"You know, you and Rudy. I see you two looking at each other. Your family and I have always been planing your wedding. Oh what I would do to be young again." Penny sighed.

"Wait what!" Danny almost yelled, instantly slapping her hand over her mouth.

"What's wrong hun?" Penny looked up at her.

"Uh I should get going. Gotta think." Danny said waving goodbye and walking out the door.

She memorized the three steps it took from their door to hers and walked in with her head down and her thoughts going every way possible.

She picked her head up to see her dad by her medication.

"H-hey dad? What are you doing with that?" She asked.

He looked up at her in fear like she had just caught him commiting a crime.

"Just cleaning up." He said quickly.

"Okay." She laughed. "How you doing?" She asked.

"Well if your referring to dad, then I'm doing a little bit better, I miss him but he's safe now. And if your referring to me cleaning, I just thought it was dusty." Her dad said casually shrugging his shoulders

"Okay, uh thanks. You don't have to do it. I probably would've done it today cause it would've sent me over a freaking cliff if it was sideways." Danny ranted more to herself than her dad.

"Oh, me and your mom where thinking of watching a movie, you are more than welcome to watch it with us." Her dad offered.

"Yeah, well wait. As long as there's popcorn I'll be there." She smiled at her dad.

"I missed your smile." He said softly opening his arms to hug his daughter.

After the hug, she went upstairs to get comfortable clothes on, her usual, sweats and a t-shirt. She sat down on the couch with her phone and bowl of popcorn in her hand and indulged in the movie.

Her phone vibrates in her hand, so she picked up to see what it was.

Of course, it was the Maddie's. 

mad balls🐄- Madelyn

princess🥰 - Madison

monkey🐸 - Danny



how you doing bbg?


really fucking good

like bitch im on a whole different world

mad balls 🐄

Raniela or Ranny🤔



wait but actually I gotta tell y'all something

mad balls 🐄

go on...


you and Rudy are getting together

bitch we haven stopped talking to the guys about it sense y'all left

we didnt wanna say anything in front of y'alls


so uh.. we might've kissed.... a few times....

shit my fridge just fell apart gtg bitches

im not talking to y'all abt this topic ever again

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