A Second Chace (Emotional!)

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For mandylaren23!

Summary: Splinter's first thoughts when he sees the turtles after they mutate!



That's all he felt in that moment. .

It felt like lava was chorusing through his body and running through his veins. He was covered in a green ooze that burned his skin like bleach. An inhumane scream broke from him.

Hamato Yoshi, now called Splinter, was kneeling on the ground surrounded by mutagenic ooze. He looked at his new form as dread and uncertainty immediately filled him.

He was no longer human. His hands were paws with sharp claws. His whole body was covered in fur. His eyes were stinging from having gotten mutagen in them. They were red.

Splinter was now a mutant. He then remembered the pet turtles he had bought. He'd dropped the container holding them during the painful mutation process.

Splinter then came to a stunning realization. The turtles were exposed to the mutagen and were as big as human newborn babies. The four were looking up at him curiously.

Splinter looked down at them in shock. He saw a large turtle baby, two smaller ones and one little one. What was he going to do with them? They could no longer be called pets.

One little turtle baby, the biggest one, was already up and walking. Impressive...they are already as developed as a one-year-old infant. He looked at the other turtles.

They are quite adorable...Splinter looked into their black beady eyes. They didn't seem to have eye color yet. Especially with those beady little eyes of theirs...

The smallest turtle stood up and cooed with a giggle. He had a big smile on his face. What a happy little one...Splinter picked him up gently. He felt just like a regular baby. Only, he had a shell and smoother skin.

As Splinter held this baby turtle, his heart lept. He'd lost his own baby daughter, Miwa, just weeks ago. The ache was still fresh in his heart. It was still hard to cope sometimes.

Miwa...my little daughter...His eyes filled with tears as he blinked them away quickly and cradled the tot closer to his chest. How I miss you...the baby turtle looked up at him.

The other turtle babies soon surrounded Splinter. Those two look almost the same size...he saw a grumpy-looking baby turtle crawling over to a gap-toothed baby turtle.

The biggest turtle was walking around, getting used to his legs. He must be the oldest...he picked up that little turtle too as the brothers cuddled together close to his chest.

After a closer examination of the turtles, Splinter realized they were all male. Four boys...he couldn't keep them as pets anymore, so what would he do with them?  His heart sank.

Maybe...I should care for them as my own...Splinter quickly deflated his thought. What was he thinking? He couldn't take care of four baby turtles at once, especially now...

I could not even keep Miwa safe from harm, how will I ever manage to care for four at once...? Splinter was beginning to doubt himself. His heart painfully clenched.

The turtles looked up at him with big adorable eyes as they toddled over to him and hugged him with their tiny hands. Splinter blinked back tears as he held them. They were so sweet...

I cannot just leave them here, they would not survive on their own...I must care for them...I must keep them safe...I may not have been able to keep Miwa safe, but I can keep them safe...Shen...

Splinter let his tears fall as he held all the turtles close to him. The babies looked up at him in confusion and snuggled into Splinter's chest. Tears dotted the sidewalk like rain.

Where will we go to live...? I cannot return to my apartment like this, and surely the turtles cannot be seen...what if we are found? We may be experimented on and taken away...

Splinter shuddered a little as he held the babies closer to him in a protective gesture. The turtles looked up at him adorably with tiny smiles. He just had to keep them safe.

Where could we go...? An abandoned building, perhaps? Splinter saw an old billboard in the distance and picked up the turtles before walking over to it. It was low to the ground.

He saw that it was open a crack and pulled the material away. Splinter couldn't believe his eyes. Behind the board was a vast empty space. It was not much, but certainly, it would do.

Thank goodness it is still night time...Splinter entered their temporary home with the turtles in his arms. He decided that until they found a larger living space, that this would be good enough to hide them.

During the night, we will scavenge for food and supplies and search for another home. By day, we will sleep and live in quiet so they we are not heard or seen...we cannot be found...

Splinter held the turtles gently. For ones so small, they seem so strong...perhaps it was not pets that I needed...he rocked the babies close to his chest with a small, sad smile.

It was a second chance...

I may have lost Miwa, but I will not let her death go in vain...I will care for these turtles and raise them as my own sons...I  am a father once again...

As he looked at the turtles, Splinter's heart swelled. He was still struggling to cope with his losses in life, but at least he wouldn't be alone anymore. He had four little turtle sons...

And a second chance at being a father...

Do not worry, Shen...I will not fail this time, I promise...

A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy the cute chapter! Poor Splinter!


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