Chapter 15

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A draft of cold air hit her face and she opened her eyes. Her hand immediately travelled back to the spot the knife was on. Then she felt stupid for doing so. Before Lia could come to her, she took her things and hurried to Hobi. 

On the way, she overtook a boy and accidentally pushed him aside.

"Hey!" Said an annoyed voice from behind.

"I'm sorry," she apologized to the boy without turning back. 

As she stood behind Hobi, ready to cough, she was interrupted. 

"You are quite rude, aren't you?" 

Amy turned around and saw that it was the boy from before. 

"Excuse me?" She asked him, feeling offended. 

"I said you are rude," he responded, pointing his index finger at her. 

She wanted to smack away his hand, but more important matters were ahead of her. Hobi was the priority.
"Alright. I'm sorry I didn't see you," she apologized and turned around.

"Here is my number. Call me."  

Amy's eyes widened in surprise and her mouth fell open. Hobi was giving Lia her phone back. 

"What?" Said Amy out of surprise, "How long was I occupied?"

"Hi Amy," Lia looked at her. She placed her hand on Hobi's arm and said, "Hobi, this is Amy. She is my friend. Amy this is Hobi."

Is she introducing my Hobi to me? Amy felt infuriated. 

"Hi Amy!" Hobi said being the usual cheery happy Hobi.

"Do you want to grab a coffee right now?" Lia asked him. 

"Sure!" Hobi nodded.

"Amy, could you take print out of my assignment as well? Thanks," Lia said as she walked away with Hobi; her Hobi. 

As soon as they disappeared out of sight, Amy ran outside. Throwing away her bag, books, shoes, phone on the way, she jumped off the bridge.


A draft of cold air on her face and Amy woke up. She ran to Hobi, avoiding the kid, and got to the line. Coughed. Got his attention. Got a date.

It was a fine sunny day. The sky was spotlessly clear, devoid of any clouds. Amy had planned for a date in the park. 

Hobi had arrived five minutes earlier than her. The sight of him waiting for her brought back her memories of the future. She smiled.

Sunlight through the trees fell on his brown hair, giving it a hint of gold. Hobi looked ethereal. Just seeing him made her eyes shine.

As they walked slowly, side by side, enjoying the weather and watching the games, Amy breathed a happy sigh of relief. 

The next thing Amy saw was a frisbee flying at her at high speed. A hit on her neck, a sound of crack and she lost her vision.


A draft of cold air on her face and Amy woke up. She ran her hand over neck for a second and cried, "That hurt..."

Then, she ran to Hobi, avoiding the kid, and got to the line. Coughed. Got his attention. Got a date.

It was another fine sunny day. The sky was spotlessly clear, devoid of any clouds. Amy had planned for another date in the park. 

"Ouch!" Sudden pain on her arm caught her attention. 

"Don't move," Hobi said, hands hovering over her arm as he stared at something. She couldn't see what Hobi was looking at. 

"What is it? It hurts" She asked.

Eyebrows furrowed in concentration, Hobi said, "It's a weird looking insect."
"What?" Amy cried.
"It could be poisonous but-"


A draft of cold air on her face and Amy woke up. She ran her hand over her arm and groaned. 

Before Lia could get to her, she ran to Hobi, avoiding the kid, and got to the line. Coughed. Got his attention. Got a date.

A week later, they had the date at the cafe uphill. The flower shop had been restored and the shopkeeper was working as diligently as he could. Hobi offered to buy her flowers. She begged and pulled him away, and thus got him to the cafe. 

As they sipped on their latte and macchiato, Hobi got a call. 

"Hey!" he said, answering his call. 

"Today evening? Sure! Count me in."

Amy watched his excited form as she replaced her coffee mug onto the saucer. "Big plans?" She asked. 

Hobi nodded and said, "Yeah! A bunch of us are planning to go trekking."

"Trekking?" Amy's face fell. She felt a bit worried and it was obvious on her face. She didn't want him to go. However, after what had happened last time… She didn't want to seem clingy or wanted him to think that she was holding him back.

"Is it safe?" she asked. 

"Of course! It's just a little bit of trekking, not dangerous at all. It's all about the overnight stay in the forest that's exciting!"

Hobi's answer made Amy feel relieved. 

Monday morning as soon as she woke up, Amy texted Hobi. 

Amy: Good morning. When did you get back? Call me when you wake up. 

She checked her phone around 10am after her first session, there was no response. 

She checked her phone before her lunch  there was no response. 

She checked her phone after her lunch, and there was no response. 

She checked her phone in the evening, as she walked back to her dorm room and there still was no response. So she called him. 

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