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I thought of something funnier than twenty-four.


It was absolutely silent once again as everyone in the room simply stared at Minho. I expected him to burst out laughing and say, "Just kidding!" but no such thing happened. He stayed as serious as the rest of us.

Gally, of course, decided to start the second uproar by standing up and being unnecessarily loud. "That's ridiculous!" He faced Newt and pointed at Minho, who had sat back down again. "He should be kicked off the Council for saying something so stupid."

You should be kicked off the Council for all those false accusations with no proof! I thought, though this time I kept my mouth shut. Newt just got done saying that the rules stated no suggestion was impossible, or something.

Surprisingly, some Keepers actually agreed with Minho's suggestion. For instance, Frypan started clapping to drown out Gally's voice. However, some people, such as Winston, didn't. He shook his head and mumbled something I couldn't catch over all the fuss. Thomas put his head in his hands like he was trying to drown out all the noise. And me? I just stared at Minho and we had a silent conversation between us.

I looked at him with an expression that clearly stated, Are you crazy?

Minho shrugged like, What was I supposed to do?

I mouthed, "I can't be Keeper of the Runners!"

He pointed to Thomas and mouthed back, "Then he can."

I rubbed my temples and closed my eyes for a minute before continuing the silent conversation with Minho. I pointed to him and mouthed, "You have to stay the Keeper of the Runners."

He looked confused. I sighed and repeated myself with tons of hand movements to get my point across. I pointed to him again. "You. Have. To." I motioned my hands downward. "Stay." I waved my arm toward the Keepers. "Keeper. Of. The." I pretended to run while still seated. "Runners."

He seemed to understand that time, but gave me no answer. He just smirked instead and I collapsed back in my chair in defeat.

Newt angrily put his notepad down, and that was when I knew it was about to get serious. He started going around and screaming at people to shut up. It was quite the sight, especially because at first no one paid any attention to poor Newt. Gradually, though, order was restored.

"Shuck it," Newt said shortly, narrowed eyes sweeping around the room. "I've never seen so many shanks acting like teat-suckin babies. We may not look it, but around these parts we're adults. Act like it, or we'll disband this bloody Council and start from scratch." He walked from end to end of the row of Keepers like a drill Sargent giving orders. "Are we clear?"

Newt had scared them all into silence. Then, one by one, they all nodded their heads, even Gally, whom I guessed wouldn't be able to stand the shame of being kicked off the Council.

"Good that." Newt sat back down in his chair, putting his handy-dandy notebook into his lap. He used his pencil to scratch out a few lines and then looked up at Minho. "That's some pretty serious klunk, brother. Sorry, but you need to talk it up to move forward."

Minho looked exhausted, but still defended his case all the same. "It's sure easy for you shanks to sit around here and talk about something you're stupid on. I'm the only Runner in this group, and the only other one here who's been out of the Maze is Newt."

Huh? Newt went into the Maze? When?

I looked back toward him and caught his eye, but he just shook his head. I wasn't sure if that meant "I'll tell you later" or "I won't tell you at all."

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