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Almost as soon as the Maze doors closed for the night, I noticed the jingling of keys and heard Thomas' door open. I sat up from where I laid on the ground and waited, expecting mine to open next, but nothing happened. I climbed on top of the chair and yelled to Alby, who was standing outside.

"Hey!" I called, causing his head to jerk toward the window I was peeking out of. "You gonna let me out or what?"

Alby waved his hand in dismissal. "You get an extra fifteen minutes in there from when you got out before."

I simply blinked at him, unable to believe what he was saying. "You can't be serious."

"C'mon, amigo, let her out already." I didn't even notice Theo until he spoke. He was beside Thomas, giving him a water bottle to drink out of. His curls were a mess and he looked worn out and sweaty from work. My pig of a brother gulped down almost the entire water bottle in two swallows.

Alby shook his head. "I'm back and I can't even make one joke," he grumbled sarcastically, taking out the key ring and coming toward my cell. "Nah, I'm kiddin', girl. You can come on out. You shanks aren't dead, are ya?"

'Shank, I might be,' I thought as my door swung open and a gust of wind flew in. I got down from the chair and hobbled out, my legs asleep from sitting for so long. I leaned on Theo for support, and he handed me the water bottle Thomas had just drunk out of. Noticing with annoyance there was only a quarter of it left for me, I glared at my brother for being so brotherish.

Speaking of Thomas, he was staring at Alby like he had just resurrected from the dead. Alby noticed. "Shuck it, boy, what you lookin' at?"

Thomas shook his head slightly. "Wha— Nothing. Just seems crazy you healed so quickly. You're fine now?"

I refrained from saying something about how I had also gone through the Changing and I had healed instantly as well. It wouldn't help the situation in the slightest.

Alby flexed his right bicep proudly. "Ain't never been better."

Theo nodded. "That's good. With both you and Dylan Stung one day after another, the Med-jacks were on pins and needles tryin' to care for you guys-"

"Wait." Alby looked confused, frightened, even. He turned to me. "You were Stung, too?"

I stomped on Theo's foot as hard as I could. "¡Mierda!" he cried, hopping on the unharmed foot and wincing with tears in his eyes. "Was I not supposed to say anything?"

Alby shook his head. "We'll discuss this later. And Theo, I lied. I feel like a piece of klunk twice crapped by a Griever."

I wondered if being Stung automatically gave you a sense of humor or something, because this was the most sarcasm I'd heard from Alby ever since I came up in the Box.

"Yeah, you looked it yesterday," Thomas said blankly. I snorted as Alby glared at him, causing Thomas to backtrack quickly. "But today you look brand-new. I swear."

"Nice save," I mouthed to Thomas.

"Shut up," he mouthed back with a roll of his eyes.

Alby leaned against the Slammer, opened his mouth to speak, then noticed Theo and I were still there. I got the feeling we weren't wanted, so I grabbed Theo — who was still grumbling in pain — and lead him out of there.

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