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I do not own The Maze Runner. If I did, I would force Wes to put the "Great. We're all bloody inspired" quote in the movie bc hE DIDN'T AND THAT MAKES ME VERY ANGRY.


Newt wasn't the first person I saw when I woke up, unfortunately. It was Jeff. As soon as I opened my eyes and sat up, the first words out of my dry, cracked lips were, "Newt."

But Jeff shook his head and removed some of the blankets, forcing me to drink a glass of water to soothe my raw throat. He spoon-fed me some soup that was tasteless in my mouth. He checked up on me to make sure I was all set to go. Then he threw a bundle of clothes at me and left the room so I could change. He had even given me a hairbrush and mouthwash.

When I finished freshening up as much as I could and brushed my tangled hair, I sat on the bed with my back against the headboard, waiting. As I did so, I noticed my skin had gone back to normal for the most part. I was still pale, but at least my veins weren't so prominent. I downed another glass of water and wondered what was taking so long, but soon figured Jeff must've gotten Newt for me.

Sure enough, soon the door burst open and was slammed shut after Newt barged in. Then, as soon as he saw I was awake, he rushed over to me, sitting on the edge of my bed. He looked even worse than when I had seen him in the Changing. His eyes had even deeper, darker bags underneath them. His skin was pale and his hair a horrible mess. The first thing that came out of his cracked lips was, "Do you remember?"

I was confused by his question because yes, I did remember. Wasn't that what the Changing was all about— remembering things about our pasts?

It all happened so fast. Newt noticed my confusion and that triggered some sort of severe panic inside of him. He grabbed my shoulders, shaking me a little, then harder. I was very alarmed and perplexed. Tears were forming in his eyes and suddenly Newt was crying and begging me to remember, just remember, and, please you have to remember. Dylan, I didn't wait two whole years for you just so you won't remember, and, oh my God just please rem-

"Newt!" I interrupted him, my voice cracking and strained from screaming while being unconscious. He stopped rambling and searched my eyes, an extremely worried expression on his face. I put my hand on the back of his neck in a comforting manner. "It's okay. I do remember."

Because I had realized what he meant. He meant us. He wanted so desperately for me to remember what was between us before the Glade, which didn't make much sense because as far as I was concerned, Newt never got stung. How did he remember?

Apparently that would be a question for another, because then he was hugging me, squeezing me tightly and melting into my arms. He smelled of the outdoors and freshly cut grass and I just breathed in the scent of Newt, which was by far the best smell on earth.

"Oh my God," Newt's face was so relieved and happy as he released me. He glanced at my lips. "Um, can I.."

I smiled shyly, feeling my heart skip a beat. "Do you even have to ask?"

And that was all Newt needed. Faster than I could blink, he had already leaned in and kissed me. My heart was beating so fast and my mind was racing, and all I could think about was how natural everything seemed. It wasn't awkward at all. It was just two lovers reunited after thinking they'd never find each other again.

After I had closed my eyes, I was met with the flashes. I saw glimpses of images for split seconds before they disappeared. I barely caught a peek of Newt laughing, then one with me and him together somewhere. Was it more pieces of my memory returning?

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