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I do not own The Maze Runner. If I did, I'd have Dylan in it, of course


Newt called me back in the hidden Map Room not long later, meaning I didn't have much time to recover from my sudden outburst of affection for Theo. Something about the way he said those words, "You're my best friend," made me realize how much I cherished him. What little time we had all been together. How close we had become.

I walked into the room with bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks, causing concerned looks from everyone inside. Teresa seemed to be standing in the exact place I had seen her last, eyebrows raised in mild surprise. Her hair was an awful mess and she looked exhausted. There were two other boys I didn't know - one with cropped ginger hair and the other with tousled black locks - that were idling in the corner. Garret leaned his elbows against the table, an intrigued look on his tanned face and grey eyes filled with curiosity.

"What happened?" Newt asked almost instantly, eyebrows pinched in concern. He had been resting against the wall beside the door with his legs crossed at the ankles and arms folded over his chest. His formerly relaxed stance turned into a rigid one of alarm as he took in my befuddled appearance.

"Nothing," I covered, wiping my cheeks with my sleeve. "Theo fell and I, uh, I got a little worried."

Not even five seconds after I broke down, Clint had arrived at the scene and tsked Theo. The Hispanic boy grumbled at him, for the Med-jack had been the one to give him the okay anyway. This caused an argument to erupt between the two of them. Clint finally gained his senses when Theo groaned aloud in agony from how badly his hip was hurting. One of the Builders' arms went around Clint's shoulders as he led him to the Homestead. I had sat in the Deadheads for a little bit, calming myself down until I was summoned here.

Newt nodded but pulled me into a comforting hug anyway, patting my back. I sighed against his touch, though surprised at a small grudge in my heart. It felt like a rock was weighing it down. How could Newt ignore me for that long and then go back to normal so quickly?

I pulled away from the embrace and went to stand by Teresa. She gave me a thin, tired smile and rubbed her aching hand.

"We're just waiting on Thomas as of now," Newt announced clearly. His projected voice filled the quiet room.

"Where is he, anyway?" The ginger boy sneered unkindly. He stood with an overly large aura of arrogance and high self-esteem. His greenish blue eyes were too far apart, making his entire face seem to stretch. The bomb inside of me threatened to start ticking at his words.

"He just got back from the Maze," Teresa informed calmly. "He should be here soon."

I couldn't spare the confused glance directed toward her. She didn't seem to notice my perplexity. How did she know where he was? I didn't even know half the time.

"Slow one, ain't he?" Mean Ginger commented to his handsome friend, who looked highly uncomfortable with all the stares on them. "Dunno why he was chosen; clueless and trouble as anythin—"

"Hey!" Garret interjected, lips pulled into a frown at the guy's words. "Cool it, will you?"

The ginger rolled his eyes but kept quiet. When Garret leaned back in satisfaction and glanced at me, I gave him a thankful look. He nodded in response.

"I should probably head up and wait for him," Newt noted mostly to himself. With his eyes downcast, he opened the door and soundlessly climbed the steps to the first level. The door clicked shut behind him with a snap.

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