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I do not own The Maze Runner, but I do own this particular fanfic, and I would like to thank you for the immense amount of support you guys have given me. If it wasn't for you, this wouldn't have been possible. Thank you and I love you all!


The slam of the gas pedal shook me awake. I jumped and blinked, rubbing my tired eyes in order to see. My head was resting against Newt's shoulder, his head on top of mine. We had both fallen asleep during some point in the two-hour ride.

My neck ached from the awkward position and I reached my hands above my head to stretch. We were barely given enough time to get ourselves together before we Gladers were ushered off the bus. The vehicle had parked in a muddy lot outside of a seemingly normal building with rows of windows on the sides. The storm was gone, and the sun now shined down on us with intense heat as we trudged inside.

There was an open area just inside the entrance, almost like a foyer. One of the people led us down a long, brightly lit hallway. I couldn't help but notice the frilly curtains that adorned the windows.

It was like a rainbow had been smeared through the place. The walls were sunshine yellow, blankets red, and curtains light green. It was a stark contrast to the dull darkness of the Glade- one that I was not about to disagree with. The pop of color lifted my spirits slightly.

Minho said it best upon our arrival: "I've been shucked and gone to heaven."

A small staff was in charge of us that consisted of nine smiling men and women dressed in black pants and white shirts. No lab coats. No sleek buns or clipboards. No W.I.C.K.E.D.

We were assigned beds. Actual, fluffy, soft beds instead of the lumpy ones we had in the Homestead. Clothes and bathroom necessities were passed out, and then dinner was served- pizza. It was the best thing I'd ever had, save the grease that coated my fingers. I carelessly wiped them on my pants. Most people were silent, but I could tell that we were all content with what we were given. Smiling was also a plus.

After eating, we washed up and were allowed to sit around. I plopped on a sofa next to Minho, who was patting his full stomach like it was a drum.

"Step one of the sleepover process complete," I said to him. A flicker of remembrance crossed his face before he grinned hugely and an overexcited, dramatic squeal came from his lips.

"You're right!" he exclaimed, reaching over and grabbing both of my hands in his. "Now we really can be sleepover buddies! We'll paint each other nails, play Truth or Dare, and talk about the cutest guy in the..uh...this place!"

His repetition of the suggestions he had said before dampened my mood. A wave of nostalgia washed over me as my own smile shook. "It's you, Minho."

Soon after that, no one argued that it was time for sleep. That short nap on the bus did nothing to replenish my energy at all, and my eyelids felt heavy like they were filled with sand.

Teresa and I were pushed into a separate room too quickly to even say goodbye. Thomas' mouth fell slightly open as the staff members took us away, and Theo pouted. I was ushered along before I could see Newt or Minho.

Our room was across the hall and a little way before the others'. A woman with coppery-red hair turned the knob and pushed the heavy door open. A light clicked on.

The room was very sparse. A single bunk was placed against the far wall. A purple, plush rug laid on the tile floor in the center. The walls were painted a beautiful blue, the exact same color of the sky on a clear day. I noticed a door at the very back that was probably for the bathroom. The staff left almost immediately after reminding us to get some sleep, to which both of us scoffed.

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