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I do not own The Maze Runner, but I do own this particular fanfic, so here is a question for you, just for fun:

Who is your favorite character and why? (Include Dylan and Theo pls bc they need some love as well)

EDIT: i mean in this particular fic, not the maze runner itself lol


It was after lunchtime and I was still sitting at the picnic table, picking at my sandwich. Chuck had gone back to his job a while ago. Theo was sitting across from me even though he had already finished his food, brown eyes staring at me.

"Why don't you go back to work?" I asked him. "I'm fine."

He looked up from his empty plate and shrugged, picking at his nails. "I like keeping you company, amiga."

I sighed, setting my sandwich onto my plate and pushing it away from me. "Look, you and I both know that's not why you're still here."

Theo stopped with his nails and leaned his elbows on the table. "I'm worried about you, Dylan."

I was confused, pinching my eyebrows together. "Why?"

"I don't know. I just -" He frowned. "Gally came out of that meeting blabbering about all sorts of mierda. I only caught bits and pieces of it - mostly because he kept a distance from all of us - but what I did hear wasn't good."

I rolled my eyes, annoyance toward Gally rising in my stomach. "Let me guess— he was mumbling about Thomas."

"No, Dylan, he was actually talking about you."

"Me?" I asked, surprised. My eyebrows shot up my forehead and the annoyance died down. What did Gally want with me? It was Thomas he kept hounding.

"It didn't make sense," Theo recalled thoughtfully. "He just said random things, like maybe you're lying to" — he used his hands to make air quotes — "'cover Thomas' sorry little behind.' Whatever happened in there, he's not too happy about it."

I looked over at where Gally had been before, only to find him gone. Where was he? He was at lunch. Where could he have gone?

"That's stupid," I declared. "Gally is stupid. Everything that comes out of his mouth is stupid."

Theo managed a small smile, amusement dancing in his features. "Agreed." His eyes then flickered to something behind me and he stood a little to see better. "Is that Thomas and Newt?"

I turned around, and sure enough, Thomas and Newt were sitting by the west wall, eating with their backs against the ivy. How had we missed them? They must have come here for food.

"Okay, they must be ninjas or something, because I did not see them come in here," I said, looking back at Theo with a raised eyebrow. "Did you?"

Theo shook his head and fully stood, collecting his things from lunch. I did the same and we returned them to Frypan, whom we interrogated. According to him, they'd been sitting there for about three minutes.

"Ugh!" I exclaimed dramatically. "I can't believe we didn't see them." I thanked the Cook, who just nodded in response as he started to clean our dishes.

As Theo and I started to walk toward Newt and Thomas, a thought occurred to me. "Theo, I hope you don't get...like...fired or something for this."

"Me? Fired?" Theo laughed ironically. "We have too many Builders for our own good. We haven't even been doing anything lately. Gally just has us spend days building something, only to order us to demolish it and start something new."

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