The Hogwarts Express

"But getting in trouble is so much more fun

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"But getting in trouble is so much more fun."

Five years later:

"COME ON, LET'S GO." Lyall Lupin yelled towards his children. "We're going to be late!"

Both Diana and Remus were rushing down the stairs as they were more than ecstatic to finally get to Hogwarts after spending all summer at home. Finally being able to see their friends again because writing letters just doesn't have the same effect. They both reached the bottom of the stairs with their trunks in hand, ready to go. Lyall grabbed Diana's shoulder and apparated to the station, he quickly left and reappeared with Remus.

"Don't get in too much trouble this year, I don't want any more letters from your heads of houses." Lyall said to both of his children.

"But getting in trouble is so much more fun." Diana said, dramatically flailing her arms.

"I mean it Diana. No getting in trouble, study for your O.W.L.s."

"Fine, yeah, I'll just follow Mr. Prefect over here's perfect examples." she said with an eye roll, Remus nudged her in the ribs with his elbow, getting her to emit a small shriek. The horn signaled that the children only had a short amount of time to get onto the Hogwarts Express.

"Well, that's our signal, bye dad." Remus said, but Lyall just ignored him.

"Goodbye Diana, should I be expecting you at Christmas?"

"I don't know it depends." she said with a shrug of her shoulder. "If you stop being an absolute dick" she muttered under her breath.

"Alright, well, write home."

"You know I won't!" she exclaimed, running to catch up with Remus who had walked away once Lyall ignored him.

"Hey, hey, don't mind him,he's just being a git like always." she said, intertwining her arm with his while pulling her trunk behind her. They both dropped off their trunks and headed onto the train.

"Come sit with me and my friends." Remus stated, trying to pull Diana towards the marauder's usual compartment.

"I wouldn't want to disrupt anything."

"But you wouldn't."

"No, no I think I would."

"Please, for me." he said, batting his eyelashes, still trying to pull Diana along.

"Ugh, fine, but only for you." she sighed, only doing it because Remus was the only person, other than James Potter of course, that could make her do anything.

"Yes!" he exclaimed, pumping his free arm in victory.

"On one condition, if any of your friends question why I'm there or ask me to leave, you do not fight them on it and I get to go sit with my friends. Alright?"

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