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An unforgettable party

"Why wouldn't she want you? You're great

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"Why wouldn't she want you? You're great."


The past few weeks had gone by so quickly that Diana didn't even realise it was Halloween until she entered the Great Hall. Throughout these past weeks Diana only had two conversations with James and they were both after full moons making sure the other was alright and not injured. She'd told her friends what happened between them because they'd kept teasing her about it until she did, but of course she had no intentions of ever telling Remus that she snogged his best friend.

While entering the Great Hall she saw that the teachers had put up the necessary decorations for Halloween which included floating Jack-O-Lanterns instead of the usual candles and black and orange banners hung up throughout it. Diana quickly made her way over to where Remus had been sat alone, wanting to talk to him without his idiot friends around, with the exception of Peter because he was always so sweet to her. When she got closer she saw he was holding a letter in his hand and had a solemn look on his face.

"What's wrong?" she asked as she sat down, startling him and he rushed to put the letter in the pocket of his robes.


"You're the worst liar I know Rem and that's coming from someone who's friends with Fabian." she chuckled thinking back to all the times the four friends had snuck out of their dorms to sit outside and gotten caught leading to them all trying to lie their way out of it. Then of course Fabian would say the weirdest things like "Oh, we were going to look for unicorns in the forest." or "We're all collectively sleep walking." and it would lead to them getting in more trouble.

"Let's talk about it later." he said, trying to brush her off.

"Why? What was in that letter?" she asked, growing more and more suspicious of her brother.

"Nothing." he was avoiding eye contact and playing with his fingers.

"You can't say we'll "talk about it later" if there's suddenly nothing in the letter." she retorted.

"Leave it Diana." he snapped. Remus rarely snapped at others, especially Diana, unless it was around the full moon.

"Look, I get that the full moon is in a week, Rem, but it doesn't excuse you keeping things from me." she said quietly, making sure nobody heard her.

"It's from Dad." he said simply, shocking Diana because their father never sent letters to Remus.

"Well, what's it say?"

"He said something about Mum and how-" he started, only to be cut off by someone calling his name.

"Hey, Moons!" Diana and Remus both turned to see Sirius walking towards them. "Come on, we've got to go to Hogsmeade and get our costumes." Remus sent Diana an apologetic look, grabbed his things and left with Sirius. Diana huffed and decided to find her friends so they could go to Hogsmeade together, walking out of the Great Hall she crashed into someone's chest, she almost fell but they grabbed her shoulders to keep her up. She looked and saw James Potter "Oh, you've got to be shitting me?" she thought to herself, he had this cocky smirk that he always wore on his face but his eyes held something that Diana couldn't understand. After a moment, James' hands were still on shoulders, she looked down at them and he quickly jerked them away.

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