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Blue moon

"You think they're a good match?"●————♙————●

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"You think they're a good match?"

It had been about five minutes after Mary had arrived, some of the other girls had come down as well, but all James could think about was where Diana was. Remus had come in looking sullen and slightly angry if anything, he didn't say a single thing about Diana and just sat there as the three others were in deep conversation, only adding in a comment here and there.

It wasn't odd for James to see Remus like this, he was always one to let whatever was bothering him eat him up inside instead of confiding in his friends or talking to anyone else about it. This was something that bothered James deeply, he felt the need to always be there for his friends and take care of them to some extent, sure this meant that he would get teased about being the "Mom of the Marauders", but he didn't really care. Being there for his friends was one of his top priorities, it didn't matter when they needed him or if he was busy, he would be there. After having a few long talks with Diana, he realized that they had that in common, both of them would drop anything if their friends needed them or were in any sort of trouble.

"Hey, Prongs, what's wrong?" Peter asks, a concerned look on his face. "You were kind of spaced out there."

"I'm just worried about Moony, he seemed upset earlier." James was half telling the truth, was he concerned about Remus? Well, yeah, he always is, but he wondered what was taking Diana so long or if she'd even come. What if she decided not to show up and that's why Remus was upset? No, don't think like that James, of course she'd come, she said she would , he told himself.

"Yeah, he was acting a bit weird earlier. Maybe it's got something to do with his mum." Peter suggested, looking slightly glum at the thought of that being true. Not a single one of the Marauders had taken it lightly when they found out about Hope's illness, but they all tried to push their own feelings aside to be there for Remus. It had been harder for Peter to do so than James and Sirius because he and Remus had been closer to one another just like Sirius and James were. Peter and his mother were never as close as James and his mum, so Hope Lupin was like a breath of fresh air to the boy, she was like a second mother to him, she always made sure Peter knew how much he was loved and valued by everyone.

"I hope it's nothing too s- bad." James had to stop himself from accidentally making a "serious/sirius" joke, why couldn't his friends just have normal names?

"Well, he always opens up eventually, if not to all of us than at least to Sirius." Peter shrugged. "When do you think people are going to start showing up?" he asked, obviously trying to change the subject and lighten the mood.

"Uh, should be soon." James looked down at the watch on his wrist to check the time, but was interrupted by people flooing in and could hear others apparating outside. "Nevermind, I guess the answer to your question would be, now." Peter chuckling slightly, James' parents emerged from the kitchen to greet all the guests. The music was now playing, food appearing on tables, drinks at the bar and it seemed like the party was in full swing.

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