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"Well, I knew you'd find out soon enough

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"Well, I knew you'd find out soon enough."


Diana woke up the next morning when she heard hushed voices around her, she reached to her side hoping to find comfort in James' arms again, but was disappointed to feel the vacant space beside her. She opened her left eye to see the space beside her completely empty and it looked like no one had slept beside her last night.

She could feel the stinging pain in her side as she took a deep breath, she knew the potion Madame Pomfrey had given her the night before could only help her so much. Considering Remus had been in his animal form, powdered silver and dittany only did so much. Of course, she didn't blame Remus at all for what happened, she knew he wasn't in control, but she also knew that them being in a fight didn't help.

Diana finally turned her head to see Regulus Black and Pandora Greengrass sitting beside her bed. She smiled at the two, but was definitely not expecting to see them there instead of Rory, Fabian, and Gideon.

"Hey, what are you two doing here?" she asked the two fifth years.

"Well, we don't have class till next period and when I heard you were in the Hospital Wing I thought I should visit you, so I dragged Dora with me." he smiled, it was odd to hear such casual language paired with Regulus' posh accent, but Diana had learned to adapt to it.

"As long as it's what you'd rather be doing then I guess you can stay." she teased Reggie, making him chuckle. "And I'm sorry the first time we've officially met is when I'm in the Hospital Wing." she apologized, looking towards Pandora with a polite smile on her face.

"Oh, it's quite alright." she responded, her voice soft and airy. "Your injuries are quite odd, it seems they haven't healed even after Madam Pomfrey's charms and potions."

"Yes, well, that's what happens when you sneak out after curfew to explore the forest." Diana quickly covered her tracks, laughing off her situation. She tried to sit up straight on the bed, wincing in pain as she moved her torso from the position it had been in all night.

Madam Pomfrey apparently had super hearing because once Diana had winced once she came rushing over to her bed to help her get comfortable and rebandage her wounds. She tried to shoo away Regulus and Pandora, but Diana insisted that they could stay if they wanted to. She let Madam Pomfrey bandage her up in silence while she secretly looked around to see what bed Remus was lying in.

"He's alright, he's just resting." Madam Pomfrey assured her, as if she could sense exactly what Diana was doing. "Alright, I'll keep you here for the rest of the day, you should be able to go to the feast tonight."

"Thank you Poppy." she smiled, Diana was so familiar with Madam Pomfrey since she would visit every time Remus was in the Hospital Wing that she became a second mother figure to the two Lupins.

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