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Mother Daughter time

"It's Mum, you need to help her!"

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"It's Mum, you need to help her!"


Diana got off the train and went to get her trunk, she craned her neck to see if she'd be able to spot her father and brother on the busy platform. This Christmas was the second one they'd spent at home since they'd enrolled at Hogwarts, the other being in first year seeing as a full moon had fallen on New Years Eve. Lyall Lupin wasn't one for having a big traditional Christmas, but it was Hope's favourite time of the year.

She loved having the big tree in the sitting room, with stockings hanging from the chimney, a multitude of gifts wrapped in brightly patterned wrapping paper, drinking hot chocolate by the fireplace, and just being together as a family. It was Diana's favourite time as well because they just seemed normal, there was nothing abnormal about them to the public eye, like two regular muggle parents with two regular muggle children. Diana thought perhaps that was what her mother wanted for them in the first place, so having these big Christmas celebrations each year was her way of trying to bring some normal into their abnormal lives. After they went to Hogwarts, she tried, tried to still have those holidays for them, but hearing them go on and on about the part of their lives that Hope had no connection with mustn't have been easy for her. Knowing that she'd never be able to experience the starry ceiling of the Great Hall or hear the talking portraits that littered the walls of Hogwarts was heartbreaking to eleven year old Remus and Diana.

Hope was the light of the Lupin family, always lifting everyone's spirits, making sure they knew just how important they were, reminding everyone of their worth. When she got ill, somehow she was still the ball of light even though she was the one that got ill. Everyone's mood went down and the usual bright and welcome aura that was in the Lupin cottage was replaced with one of gloom and sorrow, as though sunlight didn't hit the small cottage the same way anymore.

Diana finally spotted the familiar mop of sandy brown hair of her brother and headed towards him, when she got there he was still talking to the marauders. She didn't want to barge into the conversation, so she stayed back and continued to look for her father. Obviously she didn't want to eavesdrop, but when she heard her name being brought into the conversation, Diana just couldn't help herself.

"I invited Diana to the Christmas party, by the way." James said, making Diana's ears perk up.

"Like my sister Diana?" Remus asked, confused because he'd never seen James and Diana interact alone before.

"No, the other Diana I know," James replied sarcastically, Diana thought perhaps she was rubbing off on him. "Obviously your sister, Moony. Who else would it be?"

"Maybe someone interesting." Sirius suggested, a smirk on his lips, Remus slapping him on the back of the head.

"We've been hanging out for a bit, so I invited her." he shrugged, Peter smiled slightly, glad he wasn't the only other marauder that got along with Diana. Remus and Sirius both gave each other wary glances.

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