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The party was dying down, people had started to leave as the night roared on. Diana had parted from the still very loud and energetic group of people to go to a more quiet place. She found a small sitting room and decided to head in, thinking it would be a good place to clear her head.

A blond head whipped around when she entered the room, making Diana jump when she spotted the young boy, he looked around 10 or 11, making her think that maybe he was a first year. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." she said sheepishly.

"It's ok, you can still sit here if you want." he smiled shyly, Diana went and sat on the couch opposite of the one he was sitting on. "I'm Marvin by the way."

"Hello Marvin, I'm Diana. Why were you in here alone?"

"Just worried." he stated simply, shrugging his shoulders.

"Worried about what?"

"Well, you see I'm turning eleven in February, which hopefully means I'll start my first year at Hogwarts next year. My sister's already there and my brother graduating this year, but what if I'm not in the same house as them and they don't like me because of it or I am in the same house, but they don't think I'm good enough to be in it." he spat out so quickly that it was hard for Diana to grasp every word he said.

"Who's your sister Marvin? I might know her," Diana was looking at the boy trying to figure out if he looked like anyone she knew, there was a familiarity there, but she couldn't quite figure it what it was.

"My sister?" he asked, Diana nodded her head. "Her name's Marlene, Marlene Mckinnon."

"Well, you're in luck, I am actually a very good friend of hers. Marlene would never hate you for being in a different house and I promise you that even though I met you like thirty seconds ago, you would make a wonderful Gryffindor, they'd be happy to have you." Diana stated, Marvin practically beamed at her before his expression morphed into one of confusion.

"Wait, why'd you say 'they'd be happy to have you' and not 'we'd be happy to have you'?" he asked and Diana leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees.

"Let me tell you a secret," she started, Marvin scooched forward to the edge of the couch cushion. "My brother is a Gryffindor and I'm actually a Ravenclaw, that's why I knew your sister wouldn't be mad." Diana met Marvin's eyes as he gaped at her.

"But I thought you were supposed to be friends with people in your house only." he exclaimed, flopping backwards to rest against the back of the couch.

"Nope, that's all a lie, almost all of my friends are from different houses, well I don't believe I have a Hufflepuff friend. Maybe you'll be a Hufflepuff and complete my collection."

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