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Can't be your friend, can't be your lover

"Now, everything was messed up and James didn't know how to fix it

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"Now, everything was messed up and James didn't know how to fix it."


Diana woke up with an odd feeling in her gut, like something was going to go wrong, but that's how she woke up the morning of every quidditch game. Davies had worked the team extra hard before the holidays in order to prepare for the match. The Ravenclaw team needed this win to be able to even have a shot at the house cup.

Diana got up and got herself ready, changing into her gear, plaited her hair, and put on the chain she always wore to matches. Her mum gave it to her when she made the team, telling her a story about how her nan had given it to her as a symbol of good luck or something like that.

She walked out of the bathroom and was surprised when she was met with a "Morning!" from Mabel Fletcher, one of her dorm mates. Diana had barely talked to them in the six years they'd all lived together.

"Er, morning." she smiled at her awkwardly, the other three girls smiled back at Diana with the same amount of awkwardness. "Watching the match today?" she asked as she got the rest of her gear out from her trunk.

"Yeah we are, Robert asked me to come, we're kind of a thing now." Elizabeth Kinoshi, another of her dorm mates, answered.

"Oh nice going, good guy." Diana nodded awkwardly, she was perplexed at the amount of effort these girls were making to have a conversation with her.

"Yeah he is. He's a seeker, right?" she asked and iana wanted to laugh right in her face. Robert Cho, a seeker? In no universe could Robert or anyone with his blood be a seeker, he had the agility and grace of a hippogriff with three legs.

Instead of that, she just replied with a polite "Nah, he's a beater." her statement being met with four identical confused stares. "Don't know much about quidditch, do you?" she smiled and they all shook their heads.

"He's one of the ones with the big bat, he hits bludger away from us and towards the other team so we can score points and not get hit off our brooms." she explained as simply as possible.

"Sounds dangerous." Elizabeth mumbled.

"Oh yeah! It's very dangerous, makes the game thrilling." A few "Huh"s here heard and Diana looked at the clock realising she should go eat breakfast while she still had the chance."Alright, well I'm out. See you at the match." she waved and practically dashed out of the dorm, hearing "See you!" and "Good luck!" from the girls as the door shut behind her.

She got to the great hall pretty quickly, the corridors mostly empty seeing as they were about halfway through breakfast already. When she walked into the great hall, she immediately saw the rest of the team sitting together at the Ravenclaw table. They saw her enter and called her over, she happily walked over and sat beside Edgar Bones, a fellow Chaser on the team.

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