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Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, that is where you are wrong Evans

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"Tsk, tsk, tsk, that is where you are wrong Evans."

After the (in Diana's opinion lonely,  yet delicious) feast, she made her way to the Black Lake to meet up with Gideon, Fabian and Rory, but was displeased at the sight of Lily Evans and Severus Snape sitting together against one of the trees. Severus had never given Diana the time of day except when he was so persistent of exposing Remus as a werewolf that he almost got himself killed, Diana couldn't figure out why someone as nice as Lily Evans could be friends with such a dick like Snape. Lily was the golden girl of the school, top of all of her classes, silky auburn hair that every boy loved, yet she was still friends with Snape who had an ongoing rivalry with the marauders and was horrible to anyone who crossed his path.

"Having a good snogging session?" she yelled out in a teasing manner, at the sound of her voice Snape and Lily whipped their heads around to look at Diana.

"Shove off Lupin." Snape sneered, glaring towards her.

"Sorry am I interrupting, I can leave if you'd like." Diana states with a mischievous grin.

"We were having a conversation and if you'd let us get back to that it'd be lovely." Lily states, her tone full of irritation.

"I'm just waiting for my friends, so I don't have to do anything for you Lily."

"Do you not understand the meaning of shove off?"

"Oh Snivels, I understand perfectly, I just don't take instructions from pricks." Snape was absolutely furious with the nickname that Diana had given him, but it seemed that Lily Evans took more offence than him.

"Would you leave him alone!" she exclaimed. "He has done nothing to you!" she yelled while approaching Diana and pointing her finger in her face.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, that is where you are wrong Evans. Doing something to my brother is doing something to me and boy, oh boy, has Mr. Snivels has done many things to my brother. I'm not one to forgive and certainly not one to forget, so remember that." she stated in such a calm manner that it was unnerving.


Severus had done many things to Remus and his friends, but the worst one was last year. He was set on the fact that Remus was a werewolf that he decided he wanted to come to the Whomping Willow on  a full moon after overhearing Sirius talking about their plans for the next full moon. The moon had been at it's fullest point when Severus arrived, Remus had been distracted by Sirius and Diana at first, but once he caught Severus' smell, he was out for blood. He started to run towards him, Sirius, Diana, and Peter were trying their hardest to keep him back, but he was just too strong for them. Severus had not moved from his stance, frozen in shock and Remus was about scratch and most likely bite him, until James came out of nowhere and tackled Severus. 

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