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Shall we look at the moon, my little loon

Shall we look at the moon, my little loon

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Remus Lupin remembers the day there was finally a monster under his bed like it was yesterday. He remembers asking his father to check for him and his father reassuring him that monsters aren't real and would never come for him.

He remembers the night when one monster came into his home and left another in its wake.

Diana had scrambled into Remus' room like she always did when they were young, their parents had put them in separate rooms but the two couldn't stay apart, especially so close to their birthday. She was about to jump into his bed when she saw something move underneath it, Remus saw her eyes widen as she muttered his name. All of a sudden his bed moves and out comes a monster.

Diana screamed for their father and the monster lunged, Remus having more courage, in his opinion, in that moment then he'd ever have in his entire life, ran forward. The monster's jaw opened wide and Remus stepped in front of Diana, it was a choice he never regretted and somehow regretted everyday of his life.


Remus Lupin knew he wasn't straight when in third year all of the marauders decided to teach Sirius Black how to swim. Apparently purebloods didn't see the necessity in teaching their children this very valuable life skill.

They'd all gone down to the Black Lake one day in late May and Sirius had been trying to convince them that the lake was named after his family, of course Peter being the history buff he is, told Sirius how wrong he was and it sprouted an entire argument.

"Can you two stop fighting so we can finally teach Sirius how to swim?" James interrupted impatiently, his arms crossed, standing there resting on his hip. James reminded Remus so much of his mum,  he scolded Remus the same way she did and had the qualities of a mum even though he was only 13 years old. Both Peter and Sirius let out annoyed sighs at James' scolding, but they followed James and Remus to a big tree that sat a few feet away from the lake.

"You ready?" Remus asked him, nudging his shoulder against Sirius', he could feel Sirius' nerves practically radiating off of him.

"Yeah, yeah I think I am." he sighed, though his shoulders were still tense. Remus turned towards him and placed his hand on Sirius' shoulder when he faced him.

"You'll do great, promise. Even if you don't, I'll be right there." he smiled and felt Sirius relax under his touch which sent a feeling through him that he didn't quite understand.

"Thanks, but I thought wolves hated water." he joked, trying to lighten up the mood. Remus took his hand off of Sirius' shoulder in mock offense.

"For your information, wolves are excellent swimmers." he stated, earning a laugh from Sirius.

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