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Her black long hair, her beautiful hazel eyes that looks like a pool of chocolate which makes me drool everytime. The way she giggles, that contagious smile. But she might have be already takeb, why wouldn't she.

"Hey luuukee, " she waves a hand in front of me which brings me away from my thoughts.

"lukeyy... my legs are having these pens and needles shit. ---- Please bring me upstairs, my loyal knight" she stated with her chin up.

"anything for you my loyal princess" i cary her bridal style bringing her one into the guest rooms.

Am i moving too fast? its like we've been friends for as long as i can remember but in reality we met few hours ago.

Get your shit together luke, you dont like her. You just met her. That is impossible.


"You wanna know a secret?" she grinned childishly. she removes her heels as she crawls onto the bed and pulls the cover.

"er....yeah" sitting down on the edge of the bed

"i stayed a virgin 'cuz i knew my boyfriend would cheat on me anyway" she pouted

"maybe that's why he left me." She sighs " But you know what? He wasnt worth it anyway." She smiles in relief.

What a dipshit fucker he is, i wanted to push the subject more further but seeing there was a brief silence, i dont even know why is it a 'peaceful' silence even after talking about differences between the two. Finding out, her eyes started to shut

"Y'know what? why dont you get some sleep" She started to sprawl herself on the bed more and tried to get comfy. Smiling to myself as i leave the room to get some painkillers.

Holding a glass of water and some medicine, i placed it on the bedside table. To see that she's gone. Where did she go?

That is what you get for creeping her out, luke

I heard a shuffling noise coming from the bathroom. To my surprise i actually knew this was gonna happen. I see her kneeling to the toilet bowl, throwing up.

"you okay? " i rub her back comfortingly. Removing the hair thats hovering her face.

She nods and washes her mouth to get rid of all the left stuff out.

"uh... can you help me with this? " looking at me, she's probably sober.

"are you sure i wouldnt be a bother? like to ashton and to the rest?"

"he doesnt mind, its not rare for ashton to have guests---- ill just be back in a flash" i brought out some sweatpants and a hoodie.

sometimes i stay here for a night and borrow some stuff from Ashton.

"here" i place down the clothing.

I zip down her dress not looking and walked out of the room to give her time to change.

What? i was taught with manners. I waited patiently, having my foot tap against the cold hard floor every now and then. I dont wanna fall deep again and get rejected. I dont think that being harsh to her would bring me anywhere too.


Having the sun peek through the thick curtains is a horrible thing to experience especially when your head is being pounded up with a hammer. Ugh hangovers. Looking around, remembering where i am.

"shit! " i looked under the covers to see im not wearing the dress last night. Looking over to the side to see some painkillers and a glass of water.

Taking it in, i grabbed my clothes and walk out of the room. "Good morning, Alyssa!" Ashton barges in, guess he heard me.

"where's everyone? and im sorry for staying overnight " i didn't have time to fix my appearance so i look like a frog "oh, its not a biggie." he flashes me a smile, making me jealous of how deep his dimples are.

" they went home. if you're looking for Madison she's on the third door, right side"

"oh where's luke? "

Then a smirk started growing on his lips "he left to go get something" he sips from his mug.

I followed the directions Ashton gave me. I twisted the doorknob open and pushed the heavy door.

"shit, shit im sorry" i closed it immediately. I cant believe i just walked in on Amy and Calum on a full make out session.

So early in the morning. So this time i knock first on the door and entered to see the fugly dinosaur.

"hey wake up" i quietly sat down on the edge of the bed. She didn't even twitch, so she's still dreaming. I went near to her ear and screamed

"WAKE UP! " rubbing her eyes "what do you want? " she speaks and shot be bloodshot eyes

" i need to ask you something" i say, tugging the hem of whoever owns this hoodie

"shoot" she smiled even though her eyes are still shut.

"what happened after the truth or dare? "

"what i saw is that you left the game and luke started talking to you. You guys went up stairs, i heard you guys moaning" a smirk started playing on her lips

"fuck," i mumbled " holy shit are you seriou! ?" I screamed louder than intended.

"no" she bit her lips trying not to laugh "but the whole moaning thing ain't true the rest was" i looked at her in a disgusted manner

Someone suddenly opened the door, having Ashton peek through

"good morning babe" he takes a bite from the toast he's holding and pecks Madison. I wish i wasn't lonely, to have someone always beside me, willing to do anything to make me happy.

I sighed and walked out of the room to get back to ny apartment. Remembering today's a Monday. I guess i just have to make excuses just so i can show up in class today.


sorry short chapter.

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