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Alyssa's p.o.v still (& will always be)

People just claver and claver and ugh i find it very peevish, when they just chatter while you're sleeping and they are mostly the reason why you arouse from your sleep.

Ugh would everyone please quiet down

I twitch. Thank God for their sences and soon voices got a tad lower.

"I think she's awake" a girl utters in a very high pitched voice.

Oh no darling im dead, of course im awake.

"She is?" Another girl sobs then later turned into sharp staccatos while she tried to steady her breathing.

"Alyssa? Please wake up"

I already am because your voices are too loud. Wait your voice is familiar.

Now this is obviously a guy's voice, it was deep, it was familiar, it sounded so recognizable but i could not put my finger on.

I throw a glance to see what the hell is happening. First thing that caught my eye was the people that surrounds me then the shit that is injected to me, and this gauze that's blocking half of my eye sight.

People just stared at me and asked me questions i do not know how to answer. I felt uneasy, so unused capturing all the attention from the people before me.

I do recognize some of them like jenn and Madison but the rest.... Nah i do not know who the hell they are.

As i suppose in every movie in this kind of situation the one who's confined would always ask "where am i"

i already have concluded that the first time i heard the beeping of the machines, of course i am in a hospital but i still need to figure out why.

Someone burts in, having everyone startled and turn around to see who it was.

A tall lean blonde guy suddenly crouched down and had his long hands intertwined with mine

Ohmygod i cant handle this, why is he doing this? He's making my heart beat fast.

Really fast, i have no idea why

i felt something that made me jolt while i was lying down. His eyes so red and puffy possibly because of crying i guess.

He looked at my eyes with full of worry, i surely do not know him so i just gave him a stare.

Shit why is he staring at me,

"I missed you so much..." He paused caressing my cheek,

Really? I dont know you but damn i missed you too

Before i knew it his lips brush on my hand and he stared at me intensely for a few seconds


"Please say something" he speaks and his forehead crease and eyebrows furrows in concern

"Who are you" it took me a second that it came from me.

What no no no i dont want this to end too soon

Everyone gave their gasp and left their mouths hanging open.

"Y-you dont remember me?" He looks at me with complete incomprehension. I wanted to be honest so i stare at his icy blue mesmerizing eyes, blankly.

Then i shook my head in disapproval. My inttention is clean so white like snow, as if i want to hurt somebody's feelings but im just being honest here.

He stands up and just leaves the room.

"Luke! ----Wait up" the bloke with lots of dyed streaks in his hair said, giving me the i-am-sorry-for-what-just-happened look, then the rest of the men followed the blonde guy named Luke and the rest stayed in.

Wait... Luke? Now that is the name im trying to remember. His name is familiar, too recognizably familiar but the thing is, i do not know him nor whoever he is. I just know his name or have heard it too much.

None of them buldged.

Silence fell onto the room and all is left is the stares everyone was exchanging. Now i think im being too honest, too much i may have hurt his feelings. But im just.. I dont really know...what to say and how to express everything all at once.

My head isnt making anything better as well, giving me a killer headache like its being pounded on by a heavy hammer. But i decided to get the answers i need to know.

"What happened? ---besides the fact now im in the hospital" Breaking the silence, they traded looks not not knowing how to answer my question correctly.

"Y-yo-" a very tall black haired girl speaks up first. Her eyes so red and her cheeks stained with tears that left its tracks.

"Mary!" Jenn spats,

"What---" Mary argues back and shook her head. Someone dressed in all white barges in.

Oh look its the nurse and the doctor. I thought not even trying to hide any of my sarcasm.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Frace is that correct ?" The balding man in his middle forties asks. I cant quite read his name from the name tag that's pinned on his coat since he's farther than you think.

"So the one that's responsible for you is..?" He (doctor) asked.

He explained that my brain didnt have any much damage as he would've thought but he isn't sure either of how much of my memory did get lost. And if i can retrieve them back but he did hand me pills to help regain it.

Solvents the reason why i do not know who the people that were surrounding me awhile ago. The doctor led them out, the time he got in since he thought im getting too overwhelmed with all eyes dissecting my every move.

"Uhm..." I say unsurely. While the two nurses continually check on the things sticked on me and the beeping machines beside my bed.

"If you're not so sure ill just stop by and ask your friends" he stops his tracks and whirls around "and miss Frace, dont hesitate to ring the buzzer if you need anything." and he walked out the room.

I sat there, facing the blank plane white wall, hunching my back and sighed exaggeratedly. The doctor said i may have lost some memory but i do know i remember a lot more than what he actually may have thought. I sat back down on the bed and closed my eyes, trying to remember that luke guy.

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