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It has been a two months or so after the party. Now that its officially summer hanging out with Ashton's mates wasn't so bad. Sometimes Amy together with Calum would invite me to go stroll around.

They'd even bring Luke with them so i wouldn't have to feel like a third wheel because both of 'em are too busy flirting kissing each other's face off. I had gotten to know a few things about Luke.

Not those bullshit facts like he could sing, he's in a band. Things i most likely observed about him, whenever he's excited he fidgets or having his eyes wander around very frequently.

If he's nervous, he chews his cheek but he's very fond of bringing his hand up to his hair making it more messier that it already is. I still don't know why his hand tightens showing his knuckles and his jaw hardens whenever he sees me with Joey. He used to be my neighbor when i was younger, if he has time we usually hang out. One time when we were watching a movie together in my apartment then having a sudden visit from Luke. He peers over to see Joey, then he just awkardly excuses himself. I texted him asking him why and he just makes up ridiculous excuses saying

"I forgot my watch at home"

"My mom called me and wants me to stay at home with her."

"I forgot i was baking a cake"

Like i dont even get him at times.

"Alyssa, hey snap out of it." Amy speaks loudly through the phone causing me to flinch.

"sorry, i zoned out... again" i had my phone pressed up against my cheek so i could gather all of my stuff from my bed to my to my study desk.

"so i was saying, awhile ago i was eavesdropping on Calum's conversation with Luke when he visited awhile ago. You wont believe what i heard, Calum was asking Luke if there's anything going on between you guys and he admitted that he -"

"Amy? babe, where are you? " Calum interrupts in the background

"babe im out here in the balcony! " she answered back

"babe!? wait ---so you guys are official? " i asked raising an eyebrow, even though she cant actually see me. That was fast. Well i think its time for her to be happy, her last relationship was when we were in 8th grade then she ended up crying for a week, she looked like a total wreck.

"erm yeah, i was going to surprise you... SURPRISE! " Amy trying to lighten up the mood.

" listen, I gotta go, talk to you later about this yeah? " she sounded like she was in a hurry. I sure am happy for the both of them.

"sure" i mumbled, then hanged up.

I couldn't keep my anxiety, knowing the answer of Luke could maybe be the source of me being happy again.

Yes, I'm admitting that i might've got a little crush on luke. Well who am i kidding, i've fallen slightly, a bit for him. Whatever he said i hope that he doesn't and wont have any feelings for me. So i wouldn't end up being in a relationship with him and end up hurt and cheated on again. I just pray he isn't like Jace.

To keep myself busy, i messaged Jenn if she's free and would love to go watch a movie with me since its pass dinner. After the second ring, she answered.

"oh god, no. Mom please stop-" i heard her say in the background

"hey Aly, whats up? "

"you busy? ---come over, please" i pleaded

"no prob, ill be there in an instant" the phone call ended.

I changed into my jammies and brought some pillows and blankets to the living room. I made some popcorn and poured some hot cocoa onto the cute looking mugs i bought this past weekend.

Jenn went here pretty quick. Like the usual.

"Channing Tatum sure is delicious" Jenn liked her lips, getting some popcorn from the bowl i was holding

"mnhhm" with her being satisfied with my reply, we continued watching "The Vow" and some other chick flick movies.

Tears were creeping onto my eyes at the part when they were at Paige's studio.

"Wait, why are we watching these? are you on your period or something? " Jenn speaks up, filling up her mouth with tons popcorn, ruining the moment.

"nope, i just feel like it" i smiled wiping off the tears, and scooping more ice cream that started to melt in my mouth.

After watching some movies

"we need some Girl Talk, you haven't updated me on anything after with what happened with you and Jace " she looked at me straight in the eye.

"Aren't you sleepy? its 3 am, we'll talk about this first thing in the morning, good night" my eyelids getting heavier by the second. Jenn then mumbled saying good night and i drifted off to sleep.


very very short chapter here guys,


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