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'that i am in love with you.'

how silly of me, i mean how absurd of me thinking that would ever happen? someone so hot, so kind and charming as luke would ask me out and tells me he loves me? never in a million years.

It would even take a fairy godmother just for that shit to happen.

I was still waiting for luke's reply not until... i heard erika's high skanky voice in the background.

"y'know what? forget it," i hanged up sighing to myself.

We're leaving tomorrow, that reminds me i still have to repack shit. ugh. Im really looking forward to mine and harry's friendly-dinner tonight. I hope that'll lighten my day. Since everything's been clouded cause of luke.


I jogged back to where we're staying at

"mate WE need to get back to sydney immediately by tomorrow or something" Liam looks me into the eyes, god sometimes he's just plain intimidating.

"Well i asked Paul if we could stay here for a week and he approved but howcome?" getting some chips that are already displayed on the coffee table

"we've got some recording to do and some unfinished things" Lou suddenly speaks out of the blue.

"im on a date later tonight" smiling cheekily at them.

"we've just got here and you already have plans?!" Lou complains.

"who's the lucky girl eh" Niall sits down beside me.

"oh her name's alyssa"

"alyssa? isnt she like your childhood friend? are you sure this is a date-date or just two chuns having dinner?" Liam pursed his eyebrows and i just shrugged.

No really, i dont even know how to classify this as a date or a friendly dinner but we'll sort that out later.


Im now back to beach house and

"oh my god" i bumped into Luke and ended up in this position with him. Whats with me bumping onto people today?

He had his arms stretched out on the cold hard floor preventing his body falling on mine. So basically our faces are almost touching. ALMOST. But i wondered what if...what if we kissed? Would he possibly kiss back?

Luke curses into the thin air "i am so sorry" he breaks the tension between us. His breath left me sending chills through my body. He stands up and reaches for my hand and gladly took it, dusting off the dirt thats currently on me. To be honest i'd kill to stay in that kind position with Luke, with him actually kissing me. His lips touching mine, holding me tight and just help make the kiss last longer and longer.

For mine and harry's friendly date im just wearing casual crap. Washed ripped jeans, a band shirt and converse. I didnt bother puting way too much make up tonight. Just mascara and appearantly thats just about it. I checked the time and he's a tad late. Nothing new.

I ran to the door and surprisingly see a curly haired bloke that has himself putting up an idiotic smile. Yep, he's my friend alright.

"sorry traffic"

"oh really? traffic? what an excuse" crossing both of my arms.

I exited the house with Harry being such a cheeky guy, opens the car passenger's door and him jumping on the drivers seat.

"when did you start owning a Bentley flying spur?! dude this car must be expensive!" he started the engine making the roar sound. yeah i know im very descriptive with the roar sound, note the sarcasm.

"i didnt know you had an interest in cars" he smirked getting his hands on the steering wheel

"knowing a car's names isn't having" i paused and put my fingers on bunny ears as i imitated harry saying,"an interest in cars"

he just rolls his eyes at me and stared at the road.

"where are you planning on eating anyways?"

"thats why im late, i forcely asked the manager to let us eat at their restaurant even if i didnt book the day before."

The car drive was peaceful silence but i just cant get Luke out of my mind.

A/N: sorry if my description of the location they are staying at dont meet yours :/ appearantly i live somewhere not in australia and i dont know those shit you find close in Tamarama beach or in Circular Quay, yes i had to search all of that places. Next chapter will be running

LUKE'S P.O.V & maybe a bit of Alyssa's sooo

Next update would probably be tomorrow ;)

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