Chapter Fifty

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I groan in pain as I try to stand up, as my leg is stinging

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I groan in pain as I try to stand up, as my leg is stinging. The gauze and medical tape are still wrapped tight around my leg, but it doesn't stop the discomfort whatsoever.

"Woah woah, relax." Colton stands up beside me to help me but I'm already stable on my feet. I can't put any weight on my bad leg, so I lean against the wall.

My breathing increases in speed and I whip my body around, scanning the entirety of the elevator. There's nobody. Just Colton and I. No matter how much I look, I still feel like I can't be positive, however.

"Is he outside?" Beyond the doors is just darkness and I can't see what I'm looking at, but I leave anyway.

I hop into the darkness, my foot landing on a hard surface, most likely rock. It smells odd, and I feel like I'm not getting enough oxygen. Below me looks like fog.

I lift my head up and see trees and the remains of old buildings. A black gate surrounds the ruins and everything is familiar again. We're in the museum again.

"Nick?" I whisper, looking around. I turn my head to look behind me and Colton is right next to me, but the elevator is nowhere to be seen.

I hop around the ruins, searching for any signs of him. Why did he run off?

"Nick?" I call out again, this time again.

"Juliet." Colton addresses me calmly.

I check behind the gate, glance into the woods, but there is no sign of him.

"Juliet." Colton says sternly and I turn around, tears welling up in my eyes.

"What?" I ask weakly, breathing heavily. He has to be out here somewhere, he couldn't have just disappeared.

Colton holds up something in between his fingers and it glows slightly. It's an emerald. "I found this on the floor of the elevator."

I shake my head in disbelief. "What does it mean?"

I have never seen Colton look so serious. "It means that he didn't insert it into the hole in time, which means that the demon could touch him. Once you place your emerald in the rock, nothing from the Underworld can touch you." He shakes his head. "Neither of us could leave the elevator but I don't know why he didn't put his emerald into the rock. He's gone."

I fall to my knees, my entire body grows weak. "How is that possible, we were so close?" A few silent tears stream down my face. This can't be happening, I couldn't have wasted an entire journey just for him to be stuck.

"I don't know, I don't know why he didn't insert the emerald, I handed it to him." Colton begins pacing around the museum, rubbing his face with his hands.

"We have to go back and get him, Colton. We need to go back." I stand up and walk towards the gate, but Colton stops me by putting his hands on both of my shoulders. "C'mon we need to go get him."

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