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@RealHakiru: Did/Do you have a part time job?

A: No, but i am considering getting one in the future.

@Halfblood_189: How old are you?

A: This come as a shocker, but I'm........

13, Since March 17th.

@RaysonLolis: Are you breathing?

A: no lol

@SoulKing_X: Who's your favorite anime antagonist?

A: L for sure. I loved how intelligent he was, and it made the series a lot more entertaining.

@Hades_Kerbex5: Why are you gae?

A: The real question is....why are you gae?

@PolygamyAllTheWay: Are you really a virgin?

A: Sadly, yes.

@Kirotaka: When is the 3rd chapt in the Tales of a tsundere Girlfriend Horikita route gonna be published?

A: .............Idk lol

@VirginDesire: Are you okay?

A: Yes :D

@VirginDesire: What are you pursuing (Career/college wise)

A: Originally, I had plans to someday develop games but I haven't gotten into it yet, so I don't know at this point. My family hopes I can go to Harvard, due to my grades. But I really just want to go to a good college, doesn't have to be Ivy League.

@shiroyasha03: Who's your favorite wattpad author?

A: Probably @DeadEyesKun or @Amatera5u, since they're the only writers I really keep up with now. I love DeadEyeKun's oneshot book, and I love Amatera5u's react book, even if the beginning seems cringe.

@shiroyasha03: How long does it take to write a chapter?

A: It really depends on how lazy I am. If I just power through it it's a simple 15 minute process but sometimes it becomes days before I complete a chapter.

@General_Hornykoji: Your real name?

A: Justin.

@FukaKiryuiinHusband: Fuka or Asahina?

A: Fuka by a long shot.

@KAMD2000: Who's your favorite Kouhai?


@sureeita: Are you a student?

A: Yes lol

@Hanzatsu: Hirata-chan or Kei, which one is best girl?

A: Hirata-chan obviously- I mean Kei, yeah, Kei.

I think that's all the questions last chapter, but I'll answer some more in these comments! 

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-virgin senpai in school

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