Ch.11 - aoyama

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Yuga is a young man with a slim build and a rather feminine face. He has long blond hair, worn flattened down around the majority of his head, spiked and sticking out to the sides at the bottom of it, with a side fringe that curves upwards a little before it does down. He has notably long eyelashes and bright indigo eyes, giving him the appearance of a young prince.

His hero consists of a bluish-black bodysuit, over which he wears a suit of metallic lavender and golden armor; a chest plate, two spherical shoulder pads, elbow-length vambraces, and knee-length boots. His chest plate has a high V-neck collar with a golden Greek fret-like trim, as with the lower diaphanous piece under the belt and the edges of the vambraces. It also comes with a long, glittery indigo cape as well as a belt with a golden ring-shaped buckle with a blue crystal, from which he emits his , matching the smaller ones over his shoulder pads and knees. He has straight angled golden lines running down his baggy pants, a matching set around the shafts of his boots, and he wears a red-tinted wing-shaped visor over his eyes.

Yuga appears to be a vain and prideful person, thinking of himself as superior to the rest of his classmates, especially in regards to his Quirk. He exhibits extremely flamboyant mannerisms, is fond of posing, and likes to grab the attention of those around him despite frequently getting ignored by his peers. His expression rarely changes from a closed smile, even while he speaks or gets hurt, and he's also prone to getting upset if interrupted or questioned. Yuga's sentences often end with a star (☆) symbol, indicating a fancy tone. He also tends to play up his French heritage, occasionally implementing French words into his sentences.

However, this persona is shown to be mostly a façade, as Yuga holds severe insecurities about his Quirk, and, in reality, he doesn't see himself as above anyone else. In fact, he appears to think of himself as different from everybody, due to the "defective" Quirk he was born with. Yuga has been struggling with this since his childhood and wishes to become "normal" one day.

Though he has a desire to have friends, Yuga rarely has the confidence to act upon it due to his insecurities alack of social skills; he can unintentionally come off as "creepy" to others when he genuinely means well. Instead, he opts to self-isolate, seen through his eating of school meals alone rather than with the members of his class and general avoidance of most social situations. Despite this, he's been shown to be rather observant, able to pick up on Neitos crush on Izuku before she even realized it herself.

Yuga does possess a compassionate side and is shown to sympathize with , due to the both of them having what he perceives as highly self-harmful and uncontrollable Quirks, although the way in which he displays this sympathy initially startled Izuku. Izuku has stated that he's never been able to read Yuga due to his unpredictable nature, although he still ended up befriending him.. He is also kindhearted, as shown in the Provisional License Exam when he was willing to throw away his chance at a license to give the chance at passing.

Yuga is also easily frightened by danger and prefers to hide rather than fight, though he can still help out a friend as long as he remains safe and isn't above sacrificing himself, highly contrasting his usual self-centered attitude.

Yuga uses the full power of his Navel Laser to separate 's team.

 While Yuga may not possess any melee combat skills, he does have a good handle on his Quirk, Navel Laser. The beams that Yuga can fire can not only be shot from short and long distances, but have enough force to penetrate metal and concrete. They also have enough recoil to propel himself through the air at a high speed, effectively boosting his mobility. Yuga has also displayed the ability to manipulate the size and shape of his beams, such as making them razor-thin or into a blade of light that can be used for swinging. Yuga also possesses good camaraderie, using his Navel Laser to distract his enemies from a distance, and even if he reaches his limit, Yuga effectively gives his comrades the opening required to defeat the opponent that stands before them.

Yuga has repeatedly displayed the capacity to effortlessly destroy with a single blast from his Navel Laser. His aim with his beams is also on point, as he was able to blast in the face before the villain could dodge it, all while Yuga concealed himself in nearby bushes. His abilities eventually garnered the attention of the , giving Yuga the opportunity to intern under the (Now former) No. 9 Pro Hero, and improve his offensive and defensive abilities. On , Yuga, alongside and , had the mettle to face the powerful villain, . Despite neutralizing multiple targets, with the former two reaching their Quirk limits, the nearly defeated trio bought enough time for reinforcements to arrive to finally defeat Hoyo. The next day, Yuga and acted as the first line of defense against , , and , with Yuga unleashing the full power of his Navel Laser, and Momo creating 2 large cannons, all to barrage the villain trinity into separating from each other. Soon after, an overtaxed Yuga, while being held by an equally exhausted Momo, initiated a surprise attack on Nine from behind, but the undeterred villain used his Quirk to easily defeat the fatigued duo.

 (ネビルレーザー Nebiru Rēzā): Yuga's Quirk allows him to shoot a powerful sparkling laser cannon from his navel. It is so powerful, it can blast through 2 metres of solid concrete. If he fires the laser for more than 1 second at a time, he will suffer intestinal distress.

This has been explained due to a birth defect, in which Yuga has very little control over his Quirk and needs to wear a special belt to compensate. However, due to his training in U.A., the negative side-effects of his Quirk have been greatly reduced.

As part of his training, Yuga continuously fired his Navel Laser to build up his body's endurance, increase the range of his blasts, and gain the ability to use his blast even when undergoing stomach pains.

By the time the occurs, Yuga reveals that he has increased the duration of his Quirk to the point where it can last longer than one second. This was notably shown when he extends the use of his Quirk to signal his classmates and during the aftermath of when demonstrating his new Super Move "Navel Saber".

(ネビル ビュッフェレーザー Nebiru Buffe Rēzā): Yuga fires successive beams not only from his navel but also from his shoulders and knees, which are equipped with beam openings just like his Sparkle Belt. As a result, this technique puts more strain on him than when he usually uses his Quirk. (ネビルセーバー Nebiru Sēbā): Yuga concentrates the energy of his Navel Laser and shapes it into a cutting light blade attached to his bellybutton. (キャント・ストップ・トゥインクリング・スーパーノヴァ Kyanto Sutoppu Tuinkuringu Sūpānova): Used first during "". After charging his Navel Laser for 5 seconds, Yuga can unleash a much more powerful laser that surpasses his normal beams. This move is a giant laser beam with a significantly wider diameter.

1-A was exhausted they had just finished joint-training with 1-B, aoyama was the worst he had overused his navel laser it hurt horribly!

Immediately running to his room to throw up. Izuku noticed from the corner of his eye. Smiling he patted shoji shoulder "Yes mom?", shoji smiled as much as izuku could see through his mask "help me grab that basket!", he pointed to a medicine basket, shoji smiled lifting izuku up and grabbing the basket and a bottle of water form the fridge.

He skipped over to aoyama room ignoring the chatter in the common room. Izuku didn't bother to knock on aoyama dorm instead walking in, aoyama has his shirt off a sick look on his face, his smile died down kissing aoyama forehead and giving him a pill and water. "Merci maman", he gasped out hands clutching his stomach. "Of course yuuga..", izuku sat next to him

"Want me to ask todorki to use his hands as a heating pad for you?" Aoyama nodded the pain taking over his body. Izuku smiled running out seconds later coming back with todoroki. A small fire was in his hands before getting into bed next to aoyama his hands over the blonde stomach aoyama gave a sigh of relief.

"tu es le meilleur mok jamais je t'aime si seulement tout le monde était comme toi tu es si attentionné et incroyable j'aspire à être comme toi!" Izuku smiled he did learn French for aoyama when he found out that he was from France.

"Awe thanks yuuga I'll see you later!"

Translation: Your the best mom ever I love you.if only everyone was like you! Your so caring and amazing I aspire to be like you mom! (I believe my French isn't the best!)

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