Ch.17- sero and kirishima

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(Spoiler alert)

A lot of pro heros are trying to figure out who, and we assume they'll probably be a student in class 1A, because it would be the most devastating, and because it looks like Shinsou is going to eventually join the class, and to do that one of the students needs to leave.

So, who?

The most popular candidates are probably Kirishima and Kaminari, because the heros, and the class, have grown really attached to them. We've become very emotionally invested in them. So, it would be more dramatic (even traumatic) if they turned out to be the traitor the whole time.

all might, personally, don't really think so. Especially with Kirishima, because we've seen his backstory, we've seen his thought process and what he really thinks of his classmates. We've also seen Kaminari's thoughts. We've seen inside their heads.

Some people think It might be Hagakure, but she's not quite important enough of a character.

So what's izukus theory?

It's someone who's thoughts haven't been shown to the audience, who's backstory is still a mystery. Probably someone relatively low-key, without a super flashy quirk or really bizarre appearance.

It also has to be someone the audience and the class have become attached to, to deliver the emotional punch.

Sero fits the bill.

The only weird thing about his appearance is his elbows that are easily hidden. He's not especially handsome or ugly. His quirk, while very handy, isn't flashy compared to other classmates. We're attached enough to him that any betrayal will be appropriately angsty. And as far as I know, we've never been inside his head.

There are other clues.

The invasion on the training camp happened while he was indoors. Whether this means he flunked the final on purpose, or he just informed the League to attack at the time he would be safe, I don't know.

A smaller detail that could mean nothing. When he and Ochako found Izuku in a compromising position with "Camie", even though Izuku explained the situation, Sero told Kaminari and Mineta about Izuku hiding with a naked girl, telling it like he still believed something untoward had happened.

It could've been him being a dumb, gossiping kid, or it could've been just to spread distrust and dissension in the class. It just seemed out of place to izuku.The idea of there not being an actual traitor stems back to the fact that Horikoshi totally forgot about the traitor subplot and that it hasn't really been mentioned in a while. So another possible theory is that there actually is no traitor. After all, it was an idea suggested by Present Mic on one occasion and didn't really have much evidence other than the fact that the League seemed to always know what was going on. But maybe they gather their intel in another manner, and perhaps the reason Horikoshi keeps forgetting about the traitor subplot is because there is no actual traitor involved. 


Is kirishima the traitor? Most likely not.

He has a pretty strong bond with his friends. If he was the traitor, he wouldn't have such a strong bond with is friends. And i believe he thinks being the traitor isn't manly.

Also, we saw his past. He definitely wants to be a hero. I don't think he would betray heroes, and his friends.

Actually, you know what? There is a chance.

If he was the traitor, he would be a professional. He would make strong bonds with his "friends", just to make them believe he is not a traitor. It would be painful, but if I was a traitor this is what i would do. Because if somebody makes a strong bond with someone, it becomes harder to think that they are the traitor.

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