Ch.23- Eri

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Izuku and togata are currently on control. Izuku gasped as a pink sticky note hit him in the face. "Ah midoryia-san are you ok?", togata panicked. Izuku gave a smalll laugh grabbing the note. Togata watched as izukus eyes went wide, glancing around as they walked.

"What's it say?", the blonde hero asked grasping the pink note. 'You will see a little girl bandages surrounding her arms and legs, take her and run her name is eri.' Overhaul has her', they stared at each other for a few moments, then a girl ran up to them. "H-hi!", she squeezed izukus hero suit leg.

Eri was running down an alley away from Kai, mentally chanting she had enough of her treatment and wishing someone would save her. She bumps into Izuku Midoriya and Mirio Togata, and Kai catches up to them.[2]
Kai apologizes to Izuku for his daughter's behavior because she gets carried away with her fun and games. Mirio identifies Kai as a member of the Shie Hassaikai due to his mask, to which Kai states not to pay heed to his mask as he simply dislikes dirt. Kai mentions that he has never seen the two of them before and wonders if they are rookies due to their youth. Mirio replies that they are indeed rookies. Kai asks Mirio the Hero office he is affiliated with and Mirio replies that they are still students participating in field training. Mirio and Izuku prepare to leave, but Eri tells Izuku not to leave as she starts shedding tears.

Izuku tells Kai that his daughter is frightened by something, to which Kai replies that he scolded her. However, Izuku is not convinced since Eri is clutching onto him tightly and suspects that there is more than meets the eye. Izuku asks about the bandages, which Overhaul replies that Eri falls down a lot, but Izuku is still not convinced as she is completely frightened and finds the situation to be unnatural. Kai politely asks Izuku not to impose his idea of normal on others' families while Mirio tries convincing Izuku to leave since many people have different dispositions. Izuku breaks the ice and asks Overhaul what he is doing to the girl.

Overhaul, came running an angered look behind his mask. Izuku stoped and grossed her tighter. "Ah sorry my daughter has a.. tendency to run away", the man sweat dropped reaching his hand out to grab the girl. Izuku grabbed her powering up one for all and boosting away.

Mirio and overhaul stared at each other for a split second. "Hey.., the weather is nice huh?", mirio's eyes widened when overhaul leeched a hand out his quirk activated. Mirio dissolved into the concrete leaving overhaul contemplating his life.


Izuku bursted into the dorms blood covering him, he hadn't notice the blood till ashido gasped running over. "Who is that?", asked tokoyami confusion laced in his voice. The girl cling tighter the mask reminded her of overhaul and his goons.

Eri is the granddaughter of the boss of Criminal Yakuza, the Shie Hassaikai, through her mother. At a young age, she accidentally used her newly manifested Quirk on her father and it caused him to vanish. Her Quirk resembled neither of her parents' so her mother believed her existence to be cursed and gave the girl up to her father. Her grandfather then left her in the care of his protege, Kai Chisaki, so that he could test her to identify her Quirk as well be able to sympathize as it seemed as if they had similar Quirks. However, her Quirk was misdiagnosed and was in fact 'Rewind' and not 'Vanish'

After her grandfather fell into a critical state of illness, Kai took over the organization and then began to experiment on Eri to turn her Quirk into a weapon. Through unknown means, he discovered that her blood had properties that suppress the bodies' ability to manifest 'Quirk Factor', inhibiting someone's Quirk. He manufactured them into bullets that are shot at a target and inject them with her blood. He did this by destroying Eri with his Quirk, collecting blood, and then repairing her. He did this hundreds upon thousands of times, despite Eri's pain.

Eri tried to escape and resist many times but to no avail and eventually accepted her fate as a prisoner. However, the effect of these bullets was temporary, and Kai used further tests to be able to perfect his experiment until he had refined the process enough to create Quirk-Destroying Drug that he believed could permanently destroy Quirks.

"I-I'm eri!", she introduced herself a gasp forming from her mouth when izuku hugged her.

"W-who are you?.."

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