Ch.24- hiccups

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Izuku smiled, "I'm izuku call me Deku!" Eri nodded. Togata burst in an angered look on his face. "W-well I  have to tell nighteye!", he yelled grabbing eri and running out.



It starts with a small noise that he can't suppress and then it becomes a big deal when Uraraka hears it.

"Mom, did you just hiccup? It sounded so cute," she says in the middle of the study group.

"I get them hic occasionally and I'll have hic to wait them out. Hic It could be a few minutes hic or a few days," he remarks with no concern as he continues writing in his notebook.

"Do hiccup solutions not work for you?" Tsu asks.

Izuku shakes his head. "I've tried hic all of the water tricks hic and they don't help."

"There are more things to help than just water," Tsu supplies helpfully.

"I hic wasn't aware of hic that."


"'Ma?," Todoroki says softly at dinner time, "I overheard you hiccupping. I was wondering if I could test out a trick on you? Fuyumi always did it to help us."

Though Todoroki's face stays passive, Izuku can hear how genuinely concerned he is and nods. "Sure thing, hic Todoroki. No harm done if hic it doesn't work," he states with a bright smile.

Todoroki seems to agree as he picks up Deku's hand , turning it palm up, and rubbing small, firm circles directly in the middle. Izuku watches Todoroki's slender fingers for a couple of minutes before he stops.

"How do you fee-," Todoroki cuts himself off as Deku hiccups again. "Or not."

"Thank you for trying," Izuku says politely. "Can I have hic my hand back?" The question seems to surprise Todoroki who glances at their hands before letting go and turning back to his dinner with a pink tinge on his cheeks.


Class the next day is a challenging affair as Izuku attempts to keeps his hiccups at a manageable volume level. It is embarrassing to constantly be glanced at by his classmates because his diaphragm wants to be difficult.

When a particularly loud hiccup escapes him, Bakugou turns around in his chair to face him, anger evident.

"I'm sorry, Kacch-," Izuku starts before being cutoff by Bakugou grabbing his tongue.

"I hear that pulling on someone's tongue can help stop hiccups. What do you think?" Kacchan looks at him with a triumphant smirk. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" He gives it another firm tug before letting go.

Izuku shakes his head and slaps a hand over his mouth. At Bakugou's questioning look, his shoulders sag and he drops his hand. "Kacch-hic-an, scaring hic me makes hic them hic worse hic." His groan of defeat is interrupted by two more hiccups.

Bakugou turns back around, grumbling under his breath as he hunches forward over his desk in an attempt to ignore Deku. Izuku isn't sure, but he thinks he hear 'cute' come from Kacchan's mumbling.


Lunchtime is when he gets his next surprise. It comes in the form of a strange pressure on his diaphragm. He had been struggling to eat his noodles which now lay abandoned on his tray as he gazes down at his lap where a familiar creature resides.

"Wha?! Hic Dark Shadow! What are you hic doing?" Izuku stares at the bird-like being who stares right back.

"Trying to help you, of course," Dark Shadows answers as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. When the dumbfounded look doesn't remove itself from Deku's face, Dark Shadow explains more. "Fumi is worried about you and we read once that pressing here," Dark Shadow emphasizes by putting more pressure on his abdomen, "could sometimes help stop hiccups."

"I appreciate it, but hic I don't think it's hic working," Izuku remarks as he hiccups again.

If Dark Shadow could sigh, he probably would, but as it is, he settles for poking his head up over the edge of the table. "I tried, Fumi."

The sound of Tokoyami's given name pulls the bird boy's attention to them. "Dark Shadow, what are you talking about? What did you do?"

"I tried to help Deku like we discussed last night."

"Return to me, Dark Shadow." Tokoyami's tone is full of annoyance, but the rest of his body language shows embarrassment. The quirk slithers off Izuku's lap and back to his owner. "I do sincerely apologize, Midoriya. That was out of line."

Izuku waves a dismissive hand, giving Tokoyami a bright smile. "I appreciate hic you thinking of hic me."

"Always," Tokoyami murmurs as he works to de-fluff the feathers that bristled up when Izuku smiled at him.

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