Ch.30- ending two

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Hi, I decided why not make another ending!

"Ok class! Eri and kouta midoryia are joining our class today please welcome them!" The teacher announced waving her hands, Eri had two pigtails a pink and white strawberry dress. Kota had in black cargo shorts and a white shirt it read 'shirt' in bold letters. His hat was in his backpack. Eri had a light blush of embarrassment on her face.

The kids welcomed the two, "what's your quirks?", asked a green haired boy, black laced in some of his hair. "He kinda looks like mama..", whispered eri to kota who merely chuckled under his breath. "I have rewind!", the students were confused, kota rolled his eyes. "Eri's Quirk allows her to reverse a living individual's body back to a previous state, allowing her to make her target physically younger, heal injuries, and undo bodily modifications. She has even shown the ability to rewind someone's body to a point before they existed.The source of her Quirk's power is located in the horn on her head, and the size of the horn dictates the strength of her power. It is also an accumulation-type Quirk, which means the power it emits has to build up over a period of time before becoming usable. As a result of her Quirk mutating her body, Eri's blood is able to attack an individual's Quirk and stop its activation by reversing the target's evolution before the point of the Quirk phenomenon.It was suggested by that her Quirk can even rewind the bodies of those who have lost their Quirks and restore them. However, Eraser Head said that the Quirk only works on people, not on things, which means that it's not something that can be easily trained. This also means Eri cannot use her Quirk on time as it is not a living thing."., the tacher gasped at the ten year olds vocabulary.

Kota grinned sitting down, he got his smarts from his mom! Of course, Eri grew up experimented on till a few years ago her mom was 17 when she got rescued. Kota got saved when his parents were seventeen too, except by his dad.

"Ah Kota's Quirk allows him to release a splash of water from his hands. The Quirk appears to be somewhat weak, most likely due to Kota's young age and lack of training and experience. The full details and extent of it are not yet known. He also have an amazing quirk strength enhancer!". Eri grinned, truth is kota got his moms quirk.

"Ok guys make drawings of your favorite pro hero's! Or favorite hero myth!"

Eri giggled, she finished her drawings. "Who did you make Eri?", the teacher smiled sitting down. Eri bolted to the front of the class her pigtails swayed. "This is the pro hero deku! He's my mom! My favorite myth has to be the 'mom of UA' she grinned showing the paper. One was a paragraph with photos, the other a photo of her watching deku on the tv.

"Show is your drawings Eri!", she blushed and showed them in the projecter.

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