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Mezo is a tall, muscular young man with pale gray hair swept forwards, covering most of his face, and bent downwards at almost a right angle over his eye. He has six arms, all attached to each other by a web of skin, which are very physically strong, and while his Quirk is not in use only the front two arms have hands, the rest ending in thin stumps.

While less pronounced in the anime, he has a slightly elongated face, his eyes set more towards the sides, the majority of which, for some reason, he has always kept hidden by a blue mask, which covers him from just below his eyes to the base of his neck. He has never been seen without it on, as he doesn't appear when the other students are bathing in the hot springs, and he wears it with every outfit. To speak and eat, he simply grows a mouth on the end of one of his tentacles, although once, in the Forest Training Camp Arc, when his arm was injured, he has been seen speaking with his actual mouth. Although he has no discernible ears, he doesn't have to use his Quirk to hear.

During school hours, he wears the regular male U.A. uniform, the only notable difference between his and the other students' being that his is sleeveless to make room for his six tentacles, and he wears a waistcoat rather than a blazer. He also doesn't wear the usual brown dress shoes, instead replacing them with a pair of thick-soled black espadrilles.

His hero costume consists of a tight blue tank top, six white markings resembling eyes, connected at the top to a darker, more indigo-colored mask, its design the same as the one he usually wears. He has a belt with another, larger eye shape embedded into its center, this time yellow, below which he wears slightly baggy trousers to match his shirt, two darker lines running down the sides of his legs, and indigo boot

Shoji wears a mask because before his UA days, he scared a kid because of his face. Since Shoji is morally composed, he decided to cover his face up with a mask to avoid hurting anyone else.

Like said before, going to UA, shoji would scare kids with his looks, he would get very insecure. Kids were scared of him, it hurt him he's a very nice respectful person.

To speak and eat, he simply grows a mouth on the end of one of his tentacles, although once, in the Forest Training Camp Arc, when his arm was injured, he has been seen speaking with his actual mouth. Although he has no discernible ears, he doesn't have to use his Quirk to hear. Despite his frightening appearance, Mezo is a very friendly and gentle person who will work nicely with anyone. He is not the type to hold grudges, showing no ill will towards those that harm him unwillingly.

Mezo is quite selfless and willing to risk his life for anyone. He can be empathetic and understanding, but still shows a sense of maturity and responsibility that prevents himself from acting under emotional impulses, even if he feels regretful about it. It is evident that he is very protective of his fellow classmates, especially if they are hurt or injured. The Ultra Archive book states that his feelings for his friends are stronger than anyone else and doesn't mind sacrificing himself.

Mezo claims to hold no desire for material needs, being fine with having few possessions of his own. This is a trait he has been carrying since childhood.

Mezo is also quite thick-skinned, as he said he was used to being feared and seemed unfazed when Pony Tsunotori called him an octopus and said she didn't like to look at him.

In Mezo's hometown, there is still prejudice against those whose bodies are altered outwardly by their Quirks and people were often frightened of him. He started wearing his signature mask because his face made a young girl cry and he didn't want to be the cause of anyone's sadness.

Mezo has proven to be a highly capable individual, as his skills allowed him to earn 6th place in the Quirk Apprehension Test. He also has a good handle on his Quirk, Dupli-Arms, which he can use for both combat and sensory purposes. Dupli-Arms makes Mezo excellent for spying and stake out missions since his tentacle-created sensorial parts have heightened functions. While Mezo is strong enough to carry more than one person on his back with minimal effort, he is further capable of shielding or hiding them from danger thanks to his Dupli-Arms having a webbed structure. Mezo also possesses good camaraderie, using his Quirk to detect nearby enemies, and using his tentacles to cause a distraction so that his comrades can take their opponents by surprise.

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