Ch.18 iida tenya

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The  defeats Tensei Iida (Ingenium) in a dark alleyway, which proved to be a significant event for both Stain and Iida's lives. After all, the tension and stakes are only raised when the villains are powerful and prove their strength, and this sets an obstacle for the hero(es) to overcome with their own grit and conviction.

Stain had defeated a number of heroes already (usually killing them), and Ingenium was one of his most recent victories. For the sake of the story and the involved characters, it shouldn't have gone any other way.

At this point, the League of Villains was still gathering power, and the villains (led by Tomura Shigaraki) had not yet notched their first major victory -- not even against the students of U.A. Their attack on USJ was practically fruitless, too, since the students rose to the occasion and held off the numerically superior villains until All Might could arrive and win the battle. In Season 2, meanwhile, the main focus was on the U.A sports festival (a villain-free event), until Stain made his shady first appearance in Hosu City.

There, the pro hero Ingenium (Tenya Iida's beloved big brother) was on patrol, and he fell victim to the mysterious hero killer Stain in an alleyway. This shocking turn of events was significant not just for the Iida brothers, but also for the viewer, who had by now been lulled into a sense of security. The U.A sports festival was going without a hitch, and the villains could do little more than pout about their USJ beat-down.

Ingenium's defeat completely changed the tone of the narrative toward something darker and more unsettling, but on an appropriately limited and personal scale. Stain didn't assassinate All Might or the Japanese prime minister; he neutralized Tenya's beloved brother, and these personal stakes put a new spin on Season 2. Not even the USJ attack had any such stakes on the line, but this near-fatal encounter with Stain ruined Tenya's good mood when he received the news.

Stain's near-fatal encounter with Ingenium certainly put a new twist on tenya's tone, but it completely changed Tenya Iida when he got the news over the phone from his mother. Up until now, Tenya had it all: excellent grades (behind only Momo), his position as class president, a good quirk, an outstanding performance in the UA sports festival and a hero brother whom he could admire. Suddenly, none of that mattered, and Tenya's illusions about his brother were wiped away in a moment.

Flashbacks tenya had made it clear that Tenya greatly admired his brother Tensei, and swore to be a hero just like him. In fact, Tenya borrowed Tensei's hero name and designed a similar costume. Perhaps one day, they could have run side-by-side as a brotherly duo. But not anymore. Iida's calm, calculated composure turned to grief, panic and rage as he hurried to his brother's hospital room, and he was reduced to tears by what he saw. The seemingly prince-like Tenya Iida had nothing but revenge left, and he contradicted his disciplinarian ways by rushing to Hosu City to exact revenge.

It took the combined might of Izuku and Shoto, along with some pro-heroes, to finally take Stain down, and Tenya could do little more than watch. He was already helpless on the ground and about to lose his life to Stain when Izuku and Shoto intervened, and Stain had deemed Iida a false hero.

Even with Stain's arrest, this night was a defeat for Tenya Iida, who failed to get revenge himself and proved himself a reckless, emotionally-overcharged adolescent with no regard for his own safety. But he learned from this grim experience, and it stuck with him for a long time to come. Tensei's defeat gave Tenya every reason to push himself further and become the fine hero he is now.

For the sake of nail-biting stakes and Tenya Iida's hard lesson about the life of heroics, it was vital that -- however painful it was to watch -- Tensei suffer bloody defeat at Stain's hands.

Tensei iida, Outside of his hero armor, Tensei looks much like his younger brother, Tenya Ida, with square features and short, dark blue, spiked hair. A differing feature is that he possesses arrow-shaped eyebrows and has a slightly-longer face. Unlike Tenya, he does not wear glasses.

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