Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

My mind awakens but my body doesn’t. I cannot move my body. I try to push myself up but instead I leave my body. I rise up above my sleeping body and look around in my unusually populated room.

I ask “What is going on?”

A voice from behind me notifies “They cannot hear you Elementa.”

I turn and see my Father standing in front of a glowing portal.

I object “If you think I’m going to Hell then you’ve got another thing coming.”

Lucifer smiles “Such spirit Elementa… I’m not here to bring you too Hell… I’m here to say that I want you to visit me regularly.”

I ask “So you’re letting me stay on Earth?”

Lucifer smiles “If my daughter will fight to stay on a planet until her body is almost at my door then I shall always let her have her way… You have done this my child… You can stay.”

I smile in triumph but then frown as I realise something.

Lucifer asks “What troubles you Elementa?”

I ask “You say that my physical body is almost at your door… What do you mean?”

Lucifer sighs “See for yourself my child.”

He points his whole hand at my physical unconscious body. I’m badly bruised and I look as pale as a ghost.

I ask “How long will it take for me to recover?”

Lucifer notifies “Five weeks at least… I’ve put a spell on your body so that you’ll sleep until you are fully healed.”

I ask “What do my friends know of this?”

Lucifer notifies “They do not know anything of this… All they know is that you are sleeping because of your wounds… I do this so that you don’t suffer because of your wounds.”

I nod and stay quiet. I’m not sure what to say about this. Yes I’m glad I won’t have to suffer through the pain of my wounds but my friends should know about this. I don’t want to leave them to suffer in worry.

Lucifer notifies “I must leave now my daughter… Sleep in peace and recover.”

I smile at my father and bow respectfully. My Father does the same and he disappears. I slip back into my body and slip back into my coma like sleep.

My eyes fling open and I sit up quickly dazing myself in the process.

Someone exclaims “Destiny you’re awake!”

I take a while to process what’s going on and where I am but once I remember I turn my head towards the voice. Loki is walking over to me from the chair in the corner of my room.

I greet “Nice to see you too Loki.”

Loki comments “We thought you were dead the amount of time you’ve been asleep for.”

I ask “How long have I been asleep for?”

Loki notifies “Six weeks.”

My Father was out by a week but then I guess my injuries were bad.

I sigh and ask “Did I miss anything?”

Loki notifies “No we haven’t done any celebrations… We were all waiting for you to wake up.”

I grin “Well I know what we’re going to be doing later.”

Loki grins and sits next to me on the bed.

Enemy - An Avengers Tribute (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now