Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Fury has taken us up to the Avengers building. I have been made to sit in between Tom and Loki. Fury has made Loki and Tom sit on either side of me so that I don’t try and attack Stark. Captain America is alright he hasn’t said a word to me or even tried to attempt contact. Stark on the other hand has started to taunt me. Loki is sitting two seats away from Stark and I have to say he’s looking rather annoyed with him as well.

I breathe a long breath causing Tom, Loki, Tony and Steve to look at me. Fury didn’t pay any attention to the fact that I don’t do well in small flying objects. I’m alright in the Helicarrier because it’s big and when I say big I mean huge. It doesn’t take to long to get to the Avengers building they said. Five minutes it’s been and I’m starting to feel sick.

Loki asks “Are you feeling alright?”

I order “Open the hatch now I’m about to be sick.”

Fury turns round at that point and opens the hatch. I quickly stuck my head out and I’m sick. Sorry to whomever it lands on if it does.

The next thing I know is that someone is rubbing my back sympathetically.

I moan “Can’t I just follow… I don’t do well in small flying vehicles.”

Fury orders “Stark accompany her and make sure she goes to the Avengers building.”

Tony grumbles but nods and puts his helmet on.

I turn and smile at Loki who had been rubbing my back. I jump out of the jet and open my wings. I soar up above the jet and wait for Stark. Tony exits the jet and flies up next to me. I breathe in the air and slowly I feel abit better.

Tony comments “I didn’t know that you get sick in flying vehicles.”

I reply “There’s a lot you don’t know about me Stark… The two years I’ve had to endure has changed me.”

Tony mocks “You don’t say.”

I growl under my breath and dive towards the jet and pull up lightly so I fly in front of it. Tony soon follows. We’re not that far away from the Avengers building.

I ask “So what is it like being an Avenger now a days?”

Tony looks at me and replies “It’s alright when we’re not trying to catch you.”

I laugh and shake my head.

I suddenly realise then quickly ask “Have the other Avengers been informed off mine and Loki’s arrival?”

Tony replies honestly “I don’t know possibly.”

I ask in a jokey way “How was your experience of teleporting?”

Tony replies “It was horrible I see why you told Loki and Tom to close their eyes and hold their breaths.”

I laugh again then slow myself down by flapping my wings backwards. I let Tony land first so that his armour can be taken off. I land afterwards and I’m met by some unsure faces. Thor on the other hand is looking happy. I walk by them and sit on one of the sofas waiting for the others to get here. I didn’t have to wait long and no one had a chance to ask any questions luckily.

Fury notifies “Avengers Destiny and Loki have agreed to help us with against a new threat which could arrive whenever.”

Hawkeye smiles “Well welcome Destiny but I’m not so sure about having Loki here.”

Widow agrees “Fury Loki’s already tried to take control of Earth so why should we allow him to roam freely.”

I defend “Because he knows the most about the person who is going to attack us and he can help as he isn’t exactly weak.”

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