Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Destiny’s P.O.V.

I wake up and quickly get out of bed. Loki’s going to pay for making me wake up earlier this morning. I told him not to come into my room and disturb me. I get dressed into a simple pair of blue jeans, a black vest top and a grey hooded jumper. I walk out of my room also after brushing my hair and I see Tom leaning against the Kitchen worktop looking at the sofa where Loki’s still sleeping. I’ve just got another idea for payback. I’m going to jump on him. I get in line with the sofa while Tom watches in confusement. He suddenly gets what I’m about to do so starts to laugh. I hush him then ready myself for the run up. I start to sprint towards the sofa and leap up over the arm. I land full out on Loki making him jolt awake. He falls of the sofa and gets caught up in the blankets. He’s angry but who cares. Once he’s freed himself from the blankets he launches himself at me. I dodge and he goes flying into the back of the sofa. I leap up into the air and land away from the sofa.

I smile “That’s for waking me up last night.”

Loki asks though still annoyed “I thought you said we were going to have a training match?”

I smile “We still are but I just decided to wake you up as well.”

Loki moans and slinks off towards the gym. Tom continues to laugh and I can’t help but join in. I eventually go and join Loki as we prepare to have our little match.

I ask “Are you ready Loki?”

He replies “As ready as I’m ever going to be.”

I bow my head and Loki does the same. Then we begin. Loki goes for me first by trying to kick me but I flip over backwards before he can hit me. I smile and run at him. I flip him over in the way I’d flipped the dummy yesterday. Loki moans in pain then grabs my ankle and pulls me off my feet. But he hasn’t expected me to land on him so I winded him as well. I took advantage of the situation and pin him to the ground. I put as much of my weight as I can onto his arms so that he can’t move them. But because Loki is a God he’s able to reverse the position. But he’s forgotten that the last he put me in this position I’d got him into a head lock. So what else can I do but put him in the exact same head lock position again.

I laugh “Had enough yet?”

Loki replies “Yes.”

I roll off him and get to my feet. I offer him a hand and he takes it so I pull him to his feet.

Suddenly there’s a loud explosion coming from the garage. I look over to Tom who is looking at the live camera footage.

Tom yells “It’s S.H.I.E.L.D.”

I hiss “I’m going to kill Thor next time I see him… Quick get to the subway.”

As we start to head towards the back entrance the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents came in and started to fire their weapons at us. I made a shield using my fire but that won’t last long really it’s not very good.

We back up but stop when Nick Fury yells “STOP RIGHT THERE YOU THREE!”

Fury walks in with the Avengers including Thor who doesn’t look very happy. He’s looking ashamed and sad.

I hiss “Why should we stop when we want to live free?”


Fury asks “Loki you say you mean no harm but why are you here?”

Loki admits outright “Hiding from a person named Thanos.”

Thor looks taken back by the name then exclaims “You’ve seen Thanos!”

Loki admits again “Yes I was working with him last time but I escaped him and have come here trying to hide from him.”

I back up and make Tom back up behind me. We get to the door.

I whisper “Tom get out of here while you can… Me and Loki will come and find you.”

Tom objected quietly “But what if you can’t find me…? What if you get captured again?”

I hiss quietly “Just go Tom.”

I open the door and push Tom out. I close the door again. Fury looks extremely angry with me now for doing that.

I hiss “You have no reason to capture him… He’s had nothing to do with my criminal acts… He’s got nothing to do with Loki… He’s just one of my friends.”

Fury doesn’t look convinced but lets it drop.

Loki looks at me hoping that I’ve got a plan to share with him but I don’t. I shake my head and shrug. Loki sighs but looks like he still doesn’t want to surrender. I don’t want to either.

I open the back door again and push Loki through it. I create my shield again as the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents start to open fire again. But I’m out of door and I’ve closed it again. Loki grabs my arm and starts to run. I run with him then I can hear the door being opened. I make my wings appear which makes two holes in the back of my vest and hooded jumper. I get airborne and pick Loki up as well. I hope Tom is alright. I have no idea as to which way he ran.

Iron Man’s repulsors shoot by me and almost hit one of my wings. This is bad this is very bad. At the next station there is no one in there so I exit here and soon wish I didn’t. A large net fell on top of me making me fall to the ground dropping Loki. I land on top of Loki and we start to struggle but this only makes us more entangled in the net. I make my wings disappear and use my fire to try and burn through the net. Suddenly electricity flows through the net. Both me and Loki scream out in agony. Loki falls unconscious after about five minutes of being electrocuted. Me on the other manage to just about stay conscious. Nick Fury walks down into the station. He’s looking rather pleased with himself.

I growl “Why can’t you see we haven’t done anything wrong.”

Fury asks “How did you cause the Helicarrier to loose power?”

I reply “We didn’t… We just took advantage of the fact that when the power went out our door opened.”

Fury stays quiet for a second as he’s listening to his ear piece.

Fury then notifies straight before I pass out “We’ve got your friend as well.”

I moan in pain “No!”

I pass out straight after.

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