Chapter Seven

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This part has been edited - please point out any mistakes - 02/01/2015

Chapter Seven

I woke screaming and screaming. My mum and dad were lying out on the floor dead or dying. That’s when Simon came running in. His face showed both his surprise and fear as my powers engulfed him as well. I continued to scream and I covered my eyes with my hands. I fell straight of my bed and cowered on the ground in a heap. I can hear the faint screams of Jason as he fell victim to my ever growing powers. He must have been still in his room. I screamed loudly and continued until I couldn’t scream anymore. Once past that point I got to my feet. I felt the pressure of what had happened drawing into me. I had just killed my parents and my brothers. I had destroyed my family. I had no one else. I quickly made my feet move into a run. I was unaffected by the fact that I was crying so much I just kept running through my house trying to get to the front or back door. The house was on fire, was being flooded, was being blown apart, all the electricity socket were exploding and catching fire plus multiple other unfortunate explosions of darkness and light. At one point I was sent flying into a wall by an explosion. I eventually got to the back door and exited my house. My powers continued to leak out of my body then finally stopped ten minutes later.

I could see the emergency services gathering at the front of my house, I even saw Iron Man coming into land out front as well. I knew that they wouldn’t understand so I jumped over the fence and ran for my life.

I woke up screaming again. I looked around in confusion then the memories of what had happened between me and Tom drew in. I cursed at myself under my breath then got to my feet. I walked over to the edge of the building floor and looked down. I sighed and sat down with my feet dangling over the edge. What to do what to do. I’ve got nothing to do. I sighed again and begin to think. What did Tom really mean? What did he mean when he said that I don’t trust him? If I didn’t trust him then he wouldn’t be living with me. If I didn’t trust him I wouldn’t have shown myself to him. He knows that I will always trust him with my life. Doesn’t he? I thought he knew that. I’m positive that he knows that I trust him with everything.

While I was lost in my thoughts I hadn’t seen Iron Man approaching until it was too late. His repulsor rays hit me in the chest making me fly backwards. I made my wings re-appear and I took flight.


Great he’s annoyed. I really don’t need the fight he will try and get. But then I have no choice if he catches up with me. I noticed that he’s wearing different armour to the armour he usually wore. I thought that he made some new armour that won’t be affected by my powers. I guessed this must be a test run for him.

I turned in the sky allowing Stark to fly past me then I froze his jet boots. They froze for about five seconds allowing me to get further away from him but then they thawed out. Well I made a mental note that when he’s wearing that armour my power over ice has little effect on his jet boots. I thought that it was time to test his armour out against my electricity at half power. I ended up frying his systems to the point of no return. As he fell out of the sky I go to catch him. I grabbed his arm then headed back towards the building I had been in.

Once I had got him off me he grabbed my leg and flung me onto the floor.

I hissed “Nice way to treat the person who just saved your life.”

He asked “Why did you just save me?”

I replied hoping to get my view through his thick skull “I don’t want to hurt people Stark… I never have and I never will… So please just remember that before you go off telling the world how bad and evil I am.”

Tony asked “So if you have never wanted to hurt people why did you kill your parents?”

I sighed then replied “I never wanted them to die… If you had been there then you would have seen what was going on… You would have seen that I had no control of my powers… You would have seen how I had to flee for my life because I knew that no one would listen to me… That no one would believe me.”

Tony asked “So why haven’t you told anyone before.”

I felt something pinpointing onto me and I looked behind me to see the Helicarrier coming over.

I gasped “You’ve been buying time for S.H.I.E.L.D to get here.”

Tony smiled and nodded. I gave him the worst evil look I have ever given someone in my entire life. I quickly opened my wings making Tony jump back. I leapt out of the building and flew as fast as I could go.

The S.H.I.E.L.D jets are immediately on my tail. I’m not going to be captured.

I chanted quietly “I’m not going to be captured… I’m not going to be captured.”

My chanting worked for some reason as I slowly pulled away from the jets. I flew lower in between the buildings and eventually found a place where I could get into the underground. I’m not going back home but I could definitely lose the jets permanently. How could I trust Tony Stark? How could I trust a hot head like him? Never again will I trust him. I would allow myself to save his life again but I would never talk to him like that again.

After a while of randomly flying in and out of trains in the subway I decided to come out of the underground. I hoped that I could get out without S.H.I.E.L.D getting a lock on me. But I guessed I can do it sneakily. At a random station I made all the lights go out. I took some items of clothing from people even trousers and t-shirts. I felt sorry for those people but it had to be done. I now looked like a street dancer. I needed something baggy to hide my utility belt so I took some poor persons baggy trousers. I’m still sorry whoever you are. I walked out of the station quickly while the lights were out trying to look as shocked as all the other people walking out of the station. I pulled it of and I know it as there were S.H.I.E.L.D agents near the exit. They didn’t even look at me they were to busy looking at the dark entrance to the underground train station.

I quickly walked away and decided to go and hide in central park.

Once I arrive in Central Park it was around mid-day so I decided to go snooze at the top of a nearby tree near a large field in the park. Yes there was a load of people nearby but the tree was too thick and I was too high up to be seen.

About two or three hours later I was awoken to the sense of a teleportation signal nearby. In fact it was almost right in front of me. I bet you can’t guess who it was?

Quiz time. Who is an Asgardian? Who like’s to wear gold armour? Who wields a sceptre which has a blue glowy stone at the end of it behind a kind of blade?

Yes you guessed it. Loki. Half brother to Thor.

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