Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Destiny’s P.O.V.

I woke up feeling groggy. I coughed trying to get the remaining of the sleeping gas out of my system. I then realise I was still lying on Loki and he was starting to come too. I moan and roll of him. Loki moans and coughs. I shake my head trying to wake myself up abit but it doesn’t work. Fury gassed us. He gassed us to do what exactly. I lift my head slightly and look around. All the stuff I’d requested were in here. Are they going to have to this again to get out dinner in here?

Loki asks sleepily which came out more like a moan than anything else “What happened?”

I reply sleepily “Fury put sleeping gas in here so he could get the things I’d requested in here… I hope he doesn’t do this again when it comes to dinner.”

Loki moans “Me two.”

I roll onto my stomach and push myself off the ground. I get to my feet and stumble around. I fall over Loki’s legs again and land on him.

Loki hisses “Get off me mortal.”

I hiss “I didn’t mean to fall onto you… your legs just got in the way.”

We squirmed around for a minute then ended up in another fight with Loki ending up pinning me to the ground. I may have a splitting headache and a broken leg but I still lift my legs and put them around his neck and twist my body making him roll off me. I put him in a head lock with my legs and stayed there. Loki struggles and uses his magic to try and get me off but it doesn’t work.

Loki hisses “Let me go mortal.”

I reply “Only if you promise not to attack me.”

Loki notifies “Alright I won’t attack you.”

I order “Promise it.”

Loki sighs “I promise.”

I smile “Good.”

I loosen my grip around his neck and roll off and away from him. I get to my feet and head over to my bed grabbing my new laptop on the way. I turned the laptop on and sat down on the bed. Loki gets up off the floor and stares at the laptop. I fling flame at him again.

I comment “Stop looking at me.”

Loki asks “What is this device?”

I look at Loki curiously but reply “A laptop…”

Loki nods then asks “Can I see what it does?”

I smile “Sure.”

I scoot my bum over to the other side of my bed and wait for Loki to sit down before doing anything. Loki sits down right next to me and looks at the screen. Loki looks at the screen in amazement. I wait for it to finish loading then I click on the internet button.

Loki asks “What is this internet explorer?”

I reply “It’s a place where you can search up things you want to know.”

Loki asks “So can you search up people?”

I nod and notify “You can also buy things from different websites as well as communicate with other Humans from around the world while using social networks.”

Loki looked completely fascinated as I navigated the laptop to YouTube.

Loki asks “What is this YouTube?”

I reply “It allows people to watch music videos or whatever video someone has out on.”

Loki asks “Can you show me one?”

Enemy - An Avengers Tribute (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now