Chapter Six

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This part has been edited - please point out any mistakes - 02/01/2015

Chapter Six

I was sitting on top of a tall building sulking and thinking about everything that had happened today. I wish that I’d died with my parents and that I’d never had my powers in the first place. I thought of the years before my power boost. I remembered when Tony had asked me to join the Avengers when I was eighteen. I had agreed with an excited energetic response which had made Tony stumble backwards abit. I missed those days. I had two dad figures, two mother figures and at least four bother figures. Life had been grate up until that night or should I say that birthday.

I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw Thor approaching. I got to my feet and prepared for a fight. I may not have wanted to fight but if I had to I would.

Thor put his hand up slightly and notified “I am not here to hurt you Destiny.”

I asked while I slightly relaxed from my battle position “Why are you here then Thor?”

Thor asked “I was wondering why you are just sitting here and not in hiding like you usually are?”

I sighed “Why should I tell you my reasons?”

Thor pointed out “Because I don’t wish to capture you… I am just concerned.”

Thor sat down with his legs over the side of the building I was on. I looked at him before sitting next to him.

I asked “Why are you concerned about me I am nothing but a trouble to you and the rest of the Avengers?”

Thor commented “I heard what you told the radio… I believe you when you say that you aren’t evil… You may be a trouble to the Avengers but not to me I am glad to see that you are alright and healthy…”

I sighed “Well at least I’m doing something right.”

Thor asked “What is your reason for being out in the open like this?”

I stayed quiet and looked out across the city. Thor repeated his question another two times before I actually decided to give him an answer.

I replied “I had an argument with the person I’m staying with… The person told me to leave and never come back… So I am doing what the person said to do… I also need to clear my head which is hard to do when I’m coped up like that.”

Thor asked “What was your argument about?”

I sighed “Well I thought it was about me phoning up the radio show but now I’m not to sure…”

Thor commented “Maybe you should prove yourself to thee companion… I’m surprised that I haven’t seen your friend.”

I commented “I don’t take him on the missions.”

Thor nodded. We sat there in silence for a while watching the sun go down. We watched the blue sky turn to orange and then to black although the sky didn’t really seem black because of all the light pollution from the New York City lights.

Thor suddenly broke the silence by commenting “Midgard or Earth is a beautiful planet… We go by so quickly that we don’t see the beauty in front of our eyes.”

I nod then open my hand and set it alight. I play with the fire and look out across the city some more. Thor eyes my hand curiously. I sit back and relax some more but I don’t let my guard down. I’ve learnt the hard way. Never let your guard down near anyone. I don’t even fully let my guard down in my own home.

Enemy - An Avengers Tribute (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now